I don't bother in my flat. I just have a picture of Kylie Minogue in a Santa hat, under some mistletoe. Much less work / expense, but still gives me that "Christmasy" feeling.
The trend these days definitely seems to favour putting them up early and taking them down between Christmas and New Year. When I was a kid we put them up mid-December and took them down after the New Year, but I haven’t done that for a while. I’ll be doing mine on the last weekend of November and taking them down on the 28th or 29th December.
Ours will be up on 30 November and down on 2 January. I like having the tree up, and decorations these days are much better than the cheap tatty stuff from the 80s like when I was a kid. We bought a expensive fake tree a few years ago and it looks really good, this will also be the first year we're effectively making a saving compared to if we'd bought a live one every year.
Real Christmas tree around the middle of December. I love the idea of a real tree in the house, the smell, the pagan roots, decorating it as a family together. Proper wreath on the front door too.
I’ll probably refrain from telling my wife and child you think they are ‘bellends’. But thanks for the feedback.
Supposed to come down on the 6th January but folk can please themselves. Shops will be selling Christmas stuff in July next.
Probably put ours up a fortnight before Christmas. I'm just grateful for the cost of living crisis which seems to be preventing the idiots from decorating their houses at the beginning of October. Bah Humbug. One thing I really can't get my head round is Christmas Shops. How on earth do they make a business run for 52 weeks a year based only on a one-day event? Mental.
12 days before 12 days after is about right. But if people want to put decs up at the beginning of December who am i to argue. With all the cost of living media driven frenzy going on and people want to cheering themselves up so be it. November is a little early though.
Week before Christmas Day , taken down 1st or 2nd Jan, but I have ordered my pork pies from Burkinshaws Mapplewell today and beer orders yesterday