Your Jud, he int even thi brother. Who is e then, mi sister. Oh Mr Porter, you ok Mr Porter. Eye, am bloody champion. If he gives us the stick am bringing mi Dad darn. Why, last time thi Dad came darn he got stick n all. Classic.
Worrying thing is I actually remember seeing it on the big screen first time around with my mum at the old ABC on Peel Street.....
'Ez tha seen ar Billy?' 'Ar he's set on ere wi me'. Jud looking in the school toilets for Billy because his bet had come in.
We saw it a couple of times at Kirk Balk, last day of term treat in assembly hall. Biggish screen.. I saw it on 30th anniversary at NFT.
The FA Cup tie between Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur is an absolute classic. Even down to the score appearing at the bottom of the screen, in the manner of 1960s MOTD.
Dai Bradley played against Spurs in Kes, and for Spurs in Those Glory, Glory Days. He told me that they filmed some of the latter in the changing rooms at the old Wembley.
I'm going to have to make one at a showing. The spoof one has whetted my appetite. Funny as ****. 1st time av seen that n'all. Cheered me up no end lol
Never seen the film all the way through but seen clips on documentaries. Might watch it with Laura she's seen it and liked it.
I’d never heard of it either until Marlon told me of it. I got the DVD off of ebay. Dated but still enjoyable. Sparky took me to the ruin where they flew Kez.