Awarding Qatar the world cup was a mistake. No **** Columbo The corrupt little shytehawk, him an Michel Platini should burn in Sheffield.
Absolute weapons-grade c&nt. Took the money, got his name cleared, now playing the 'was a mistake' card. Fk him.
But he's not saying mistake for the right reasons. He wouldn't dare do that. Corrupt little lovely person..
Blatter will never actually get his name cleared. He's rightly tainted forever with the stench of corruption. Whenever he's mentioned in the history books of football his disgraceful conduct will be cited as his legacy.
Some years ago when I was fired up over yet another Jack Walker scandal, I wrote Blatter a long letter about the ‘Corinthians’. The Corinthian spirit which embodied everything good about the beautiful game. Playing with integrity, ultimate sportsmanship and managed devoid of corruption. They took the game all over the world promoting the spirit in which the game should be played and run. I made the point how he and FIFA had betrayed that legacy. I never expected a response from him and he didn’t fail to disappoint.
Its a disgrace what hes done in his time, and his mate Platini as well, they should be ashamed of themselves. How much corruption was there ehh, when his own French team were given the '98 World cup, as hosts and eventual winners. Nearly as bad as with the Argies in '78.