So you fell for the "they're all the same" line then. There are some decent honourable ones, even on the Tory side (not as many as there used to be, Bozo got rid of most of them).
We all know that people are the same whereever you go There is good and bad in ev'ryone We learn to live, when we learn to give Each other what we need to survive, together alive
I didnt fall for anything just from my tears of experience thats how it is. Obviously the sooner this government are out the better but you try to paint a picture of bad v good and everyone for labour is some saint who tells nothing but the truth.... erm no. Look at the last labour man to win a election mr TORY blair.
He is so boring at trials with how good he is at quietly getting on with them. Be nice to see someone doing trials who is petrified and only gets a few stars.
Sorry but I'm not painting a picture of bad v good. I used to be a Labour Party member but left after a few years of Blair so you can't accuse me of being blinkered. Mind you, the Tory Blair party made a far better and more honest job of running the country than this shower. However, the Tory press like to push this thing about them all being the same because they actually cant find a way to excuse the behaviour of the ones they support and so want people to believe that the alternative would be just as bad. Which is plainly not the case, since anyone capable of reading and understanding numbers would see if they actually looked back at the facts covering the last 25 years (NHS waiting lists and economy for starters).
The use of the word 'SOME even on the tory side" gives it away for me. You. Quote Hes a politician so obviously a liar comes with the job.
You think apart from the torys on the other side tell 100% truth and everything they say will happen? Okay then you'll be telling me santas coming soon.
Hancock probably getting more votes for the trials than the total votes for Labour at the last General Election. Should send Starmer in there to build up his rep.
Twaddle. I think nowt of the sort. But I don't make sweeping statements unlike yourself in this thread. You "EVERY politician is a liar" obviously fact cos you said so. I've not taken any political stance on this. And btw. He'll be here next month. Try telling my grandkids different.
I can’t watch it. The thought that people can say anything positive about the creep just makes it worse. No, he isn’t coming across well, he’s just reaffirming everything - he is insincere. Aside from his awful political record, giving contracts to mates, his behaviour during covid etc etc, the fact he is making a huge fee when he should actually be serving his constituents (God help them), his disproportionate air time serves to potentially prejudice the ongoing investigation into the Government’s handling of the pandemic. It’s very wrong he’s there, and I’m annoyed that one of the better tv shows has been hijacked by this awful man, and accepted by the “let’s move on” brigade.
Well put you've got it spot on,i saw last 20 mins of first one he was on and WILL NOT be watching again,he's loving it and it's sickening. Talk about rubbing folks nose in it.
Bob on. I've never watched the show, but what winds me up is it speaks volumes about the selfishness and narcissism of the guy that he feels able to go on there and make a show of himself while his ex missus has to take his kids into school everyday against the backdrop of this whole pantomime as if he hasn't caused them enough shiite and distress in their lives already. The absolute least he could do for them is keep a discreetly low profile for a bit. The same mugs who are now saying 'orrr, he seems like a genuine guy' are the ones who believed all the shiite he came out with about SaViNg LiVeS. The bloke is absolute scum. I despise him and I still harbour hope that there will one day be a criminal investigation into his conduct.
I'd never watched this show before (on animal rights grounds), but have found this series oddly compelling. Hancock doesn't strike me as a bad fella, just massively out of his depth as a politician & prone to huge errors of judgement, this just being the latest. He's likely looking for an exit from politics & this is his way of creating a new career. So that makes him a scheming **** in my book, but more out of stupidity than malice.. I'm trying to gauge if the public are falling for this charade..?
I must have missed which particular charity or community will benefit from his 'ill gotten gains'. Can someone enlighten me where he is donating his appearance fee for this charade?
He’s acting. ‘Matt, your political career is over at the next general election. You can pocket 400k & if you play it well & be a team player & get stuck into the trial you’ll win over a lot of people & have career opportunities waiting for you’ 100%. I’m not saying everything he’s doing in there is an act but the over the top laughing, the singing Ed Sheeran etc. I don’t believe that’s natural.