I know a guy who registered his dog as an emotional support animal and it flew to America by his side in the plane in a pet carrier. That's as far as my knowledge goes.
Now that's a thought. My boy bites, I'm the only one who can touch him. 14 rear old rescue JRT.. I'm off to America too, East coast. I found this firm.. https://www.passportforpets.co.uk/p...Rpz_JIT9H0RJjA7vl33AkS6zNFMuZvIMaAvdvEALw_wcB
Saw a similar question on another forum...the OP asked...'''anyone know how to fly a dog from California to Canada?'' Someone replied...plenty of training first, when he gets to take off speed on the runway, jump on his back...hold tightly onto his ears though or you could fall off due to turbulence over the Rockies.
We're trying to bring our cat back from Russia. It's likely to be quite a logistically tricky process. Might yet drive to Finland and pick her up on the border.
Going back around 5 years ago, a friend was telling me it's down to airline policy. At the time, his son had to arrange a different flight from the rest of the family cos he needed to take his dog (to France) Don't have any recent experience, but this article suggests it's still the same.... https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/new...kCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar Hope that helps a little Mr C.
Are you going permanently or just on holiday? Assuming on holiday - the first issue is the importing dogs into USA - which looks like it shouldn't be a problem as we don't have rabies https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2016-Aug/pets-wildlife-unitedstates.pdf However, your second problem is then importing the dog back into the UK - it looks like you'll need a rabies vaccination to bring him back in! https://www.gov.uk/bring-pet-to-great-britain