She's been part of the problem. It's hypocritical to blame everyone else for you own actions. Oh she's also worked as a jetsetting international DJ. Her carbon footprint is higher than mine will ever be
It's pretty impossible not to be part of the problem. And even if she is a hypocrite (which if she has traveled extensively she may well be) it's one person, not the entire movement. The thread should be titled "Louise whatsername from Tiktok" not "Just Stop Oil"
No, that's a snippet of a rich kid Cambridge graduate attention seeking wannabe who doesn't believe in what she preaches but wants fame and is hoping it will get attention for her failing music career
Speaking of ignorant cretins like her, it reminds me of those Insulate Britain road protesters. Why or how did they suddenly disappear from the news and the public view, did the Govt and the police keep it quiet, and send them all off to Stanley Royd.
We are all part of the problem - currently no one in the UK can exist without oil and gas supplies. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be pressurising the government to do all it can to move us away from an oil based economy. Its not something that can happen overnight of course and the current government has some sensible plans in place - but they do seem to be trying to backtrack on some commitments. I agree with many of the goals of Insulate Britain Just Stop Oil etc. I don't agree with some of their tactics, but having said that if protesters only ever took legal routes Women probably still wouldn't have the vote and we would still have Victorian employment laws and pay. I know nothing about the girl in the OP by @SuperTyke but to imply she cant protest against the granting of additional oil extraction licences because she has driven a car is a bit much
If the Tories get their way. Employment laws will be stiffened to suit the employer. and pay will be decimated. Things never change in their ideals with them ctuns.
Animal agriculture is the single, biggest pollutant on the planet. Anyone who buys into that, undermines the validity of their opinions by default.