It's going to be brutal and whatever they do won't be seen as enough. Glad the worse off are going to be looked after.
No having a go d3000, what is being defined as "worse off"? It's like affordable housing, never sure what it means.
They’ve stole 17 billion quid from the armed forces / public sector pension pot this week… decent people that they are nearly every service person I’ve met voted for these arséholes too
He 's not paying the minimum wage though and the employers who have to will have to put prices up to pay for it,that's on top of everything going up now.
Disabled and pensioners would be two groups. In their manifesto they said they would put NMW to £10.50 by 2024, so announcing on Thursday it will go to £10.40 puts them well on course to actually achieving a 'promise' for a change.
Why would you categorize 'pensioners' as one of the worst of groups in society when the actual evidence says they are one of the most affluent? I say this as someone not too far off joining them! We can't keep having discussions on the basis of how things were in the 1970s. Things change.
I say it isn't but is that seriously how you judge whether someone is well off -- what they receive in state pension! No account of other income. benefits, wealth, assets or other factors? It's no wonder the Queen died so early: there's no way she could survive on that measly sum.
i would never apply my comments to every Pensioner, that would be idiotic. But the OP was speaking generally and so am I. Pensioners are among the most affluent in society as a group and public policy has not yet reflected that - or maybe it has- because they are the most likely group to vote ,and vote for right of centre policies!
I am afraid that whoever were to be in power following Covid there was always going to be a big “pay back” time.....I am no Tory by the way and have always voted Labour.......
The State Pension is not a Benefit you have paid into it the most of your working life. The crafty government saved money on paying this out by moving Goal posts. My wife (60) who has maximum credits has to now wait until age 67!
Biggest issue with pensions apart from state pension being one of the lowest in the civilised WORLD, compared to average wage. Is that too many, either, couldn't afford, or in a lot of cases left it till the last minute to decide to invest in a pension. So you have the haves and have nots in that group of people. Like any other group. Minimum wage if at £10:40 equals a salary of circa £21.5k State Pension single person. Circa £9.6k Expected to be around £10.5k from next april. Whichever way you look at it, neither group are exactly rolling in it. The Tories like it that way btw. For the umpteenth time, everyone should read 'the ragged trousered philanthropist' All will come clear.
My Wife has to as well and she's 59,it's gone up to 68 and will end up at 70 before we know it. I should get my state pension in January but you have to wait till February to get it so you are a month in arrears!
But it IS a benefit and it has not been true for some time that everyone pays into it so when they reach retirement age they are simply taking out what they put in. Old age pensions are and have been the largest part of the welfare budget for some time - £111 billion a year (compare with £2 Billion on Unemployment benefit - not the impression Channe4 programming wants to promote!) I'm expecting that when I reach pensionable age - not too far away - this benefit will have largely disappeared. Not because of some 'crafty Tory Govt' but because the English electorate appear to want to keep on paying 3rd world taxation rates for 1st world services, so something will have to give. Ironically (imo) the best way of retaining universal old age pensions is to keep voting Tory - because they are the party least likely to tackle the issue because without the over 60s vote the Tories would be decimated.