Can anyone recommend someone who has done them replacement guttering? Also need a leak fixing so roofing experience would be a plus. Put it into Google and there's just wave after wave of sponsored ads and national companies. I'd prefer someone local who someone can vouch for as decent.
Good luck finding anybody who will actually show up. We’ve tried 4 different people in Leeds ranging from big companies to one man bands and no one has arrived.
Try Craig at CJ roofing. He's done all our fascias and gutters, downpipes . He's local too. You are welcome to look at ours to see what he did.
Get them to pour a bucket of water into the gutter when they have finished, it should come straight down. Some roofers don't get the fall right, leaving them horizontal and you end up with stagnant water or gutters breaking or falling out the clips with the weight of the water in them.
I have the same problem with dates. Not that they don't show up, they do, but they're all plasterers and builders. There you go, two jokes for the price of one. Not much quality but very cheap.
Our next door neighbour’s builder has just come round to ask if they can divert the guttering onto our drive soakaway, instead of into their own drain (which would actually involve doing some work). Just one in a long line of botch jobs that we are supposed to accommodate.
There’s a leak in a section of the guttering, where it joins next door. Ours is the house on the left but the leak lands on our side of the fence and the outside wall is now turning black at the bottom.
@Tobys Knackers and @Bossman did you ever find anyone to do it? We’re still being let down and lied to left, right and centre.
I've given up on tradesmen. Literally never met a good one. And I do mean that literally. Either not turned up, huffed & puffed when I dared ask for a quote, started and not finished, or done a $hit job. Every one. I'm sure statistically they can't all be like that, but that's definitely been my experience.
That's precisely why I'm considering re-roofing my house myself. How hard can it be? Loads of stuff on youtube. And I'll give it all the care and attention it needs rather than a bodge it and scarper job I'd likely get with a "tradesman".
That’s my plan at the minute. All I’m missing is a set of ladders long enough. I even tried to hire some from a great place near me that lends out everything under the sun for free, until I turned up to collect them and it dawned on me that I had no way to transport them home. If I get some ordered to my house, it can’t be that hard to remove the damaged bit of guttering and connect a new place, or seal up what’s already there, depending on what I find when I’m up there (and it will have to be me as Will is scared of heights). YouTube for the win!