That receptionist must be on overtime if they're manning phones between 6am and 8am. My local GP doesn't take calls until 8am.
I'd ban the sale of fireworks to the public. To be able to purchase fireworks a permit should need to be applied for to the council, with say a fee of £30, or whatever. It would be more income for the council & we wouldn't have idiots throwing fireworks & pets would be safer.
Absolutely... tinned chopped plum by Cirio would be my choice although I wouldn't go so far as to specify the brand tbh.
People who go to the petrol station in the middle of the day and get the checkout person to check their 200 lottery ticket / pay for their council tax in 10pence pieces or whatever the fk they are doing.
Not all appointments are same day. Did your baby never go to see the health visitor etc? We have to take him over to near Worsbrough. If we didn't have cars we would have to potentially get a bus at those times. People work and drop children off en route like someone else has said. Not many mums are going to go shopping in rush hour.
Not sure if you can get them in the UK but we get the Lidl ones (Italiamo Pomodori) in a blue can (not the slightly cheaper green tins). They are Sicilian and far better (and cheaper)) than Cirio (at least here in Italy). Most tinned ones I have to reduce them down in a pan as they are watery wheras the Lidl ones are so rich, after emptying the tomatoes into the pan I have to add water to the tin and stir it round before emptying that into the pan.
Snipers in place to take any of the f**king idiots that ha ve take out exhaust baffles on their 50cc put puts.
Actually, having answered another thread on FIFA, changed my mind. Imprisonable offence to have a Swiss or off shore bank account and for the Swiss banks to return everything the Nazis looted to family's and if these can no longer be found, donated to the UNHCR emergency aid fund, together with a 100% fine of any interest ever earned on it.
Start by making it illegal for MPs to have anything more than a basic ARC card with their salary loaded on it every month. All payments, including expenses have to be paid then claimed back. No income from other sources.
stop members of parliament having second jobs that would take care of 90% of the tories or increase income tax on 2nd jobsthey do at 99.999% CAVEAT: Medical exemptions obviously apply.[/QUOTE] stop members of parliament having second jobs that would take care of 90% of the tories or increase income tax on 2nd jobs+ they do at 99.999%
I'd change all forums to political / Brexit / misc forums in which football was allowed to be spoken about