My late mother used to work under the stand from the 70s to the 90s if my memory serves. I can remember it having a bar/counter over which complementary drinks were handed (shorts I think, although I seem to remember Norman Hunter preferring sherry) and sandwiches served to, I guess the away officials, home officials guests and press. Names of staff that I can remember,,, Jean, Margaret, Nellie. That’s all I’ve got.
This room sounds well intriguing lol. Whilst on about the director's/ chairman's bar, I've noticed quite a few clubs down the years stating what great hospitality they received at Oakwell. Apparently John Dennis was quite a jolly bloke at these post match meets. Great to read other club's opinions of Oakwell etc, especially when it's a positive over such matters. What was that portakabin about at the back of the West Stand? Probs 87ish
This was the tea room. At the end of that room was the laundry. The Tea room was used by basically all the people who had comp tickets for the game. There was a bar in there but it was basically a little cubby hole. Later on they just sold bottles. It was open at Half Time and Full Time. This is where the Gordon Pallister and Jonny Steele interview was from. After the game this is where I used to wait for my Dad and sit with him and Rimmo. Sometimes Jonny and Gordon would still be there.
It does exist or did it was where the none directors went I have been in there small area but quite nice place dicky bird was in when I was in and everyone wanted to talk to him. not available to supporters
Its the directors lounge/dining room. Wood panelled as mentioned and the trophy cabinet is in there. Ive been in on ground tours and got invited to meet Gordon Shepherd or Patrick in there once before a game. Mansford is being interviewed in there in this video (Barry in the background - who I saw and had a chat with briefly today. In good form and still reads the BBS) The tykes tv interview with Conway was in there
Yes, I have . I was director for day against Swansea, season we beat them at Cardiff. Had a pre match meal and drinks with chairman of both teams, had a tour round ground Nd chat with managers after hmgame. Got great souvenir pic of me and Andy Ritchie after the game.