I just know that it's me being shafted and still having to pay for the privilege. It's me who has to spend a week away from Laura and George. Whilst a greedy conductor sits on his arse.
I'm not arguing. When I'm late for work or away from my family and still having to buy monthly passes then yes.
Not arguing but putting inflammatory comments. Aye alright. We'll or I'll agree to disagree on this one.
Like I said. incompetence, short sightedness, blindly following ideologies, lack of flexibility responding to and ever changing World, focussing on policies that benefit the few over the overwhelming majority are all valid reasons we are where we are. I haven't "forgotten" (read my post again) I agrre with all the comments...'striking is a fundamental right"...etc. but merely pointing out the unpalatable truth is that the country is in a complete financial mess and simply cannot afford nflation busting (or even inflation equalling) pay rises across the board, in the same way most private small to medium size businesses cannot. Printing money (borrowing as Truss wanted to do to fund growth etc resulted in the loss to teh economy of billions. Too many on here are burying their heads in the sand. I 100% think nurses, and all public sector workers for that matter, as well as care workers and many others in the private sector deserve, and desperately need help to overcome the cost of living crisis but they need it now. Prolonged strike action hits workers already struggling to heat homes, feed kids and live. Days of strikes surely means lost wages. Ultimately that leads to division between those who feel they have to break the strike rules and those that ride it out leading to division for years like the miners strike did. The economy Govt and businesses already struggling are hit byv strikes. My question to you and all those on here supporting strikes is where is the money going to come from and how can runaway inflation driven by cost wages spiral be prevented? Bringing down inflation has to be a key priority to keep UK competitive AND make money go further. Mick Lynch is doing what he is paid to do i.e. representing his union members but has he got an answer to how these rises -however justified can be funded? In the end all pay rises come from the people who pay the taxes that fund Govt. Big pay rises mean higher taxes, higher inflation and so higher costs. Unregulated capitalism allowing Corporate greed to prevail has brought us (and other countries) to this point and without change there is no simple solution.
When the time is right. Re rationalise the Rail. Water and energy industries. People were conned into thinking privatisation would improve the industries. What it did. Is line the pockets of investors while being subsidised and failing to look after the assets. The water industry is rife with it. And only now are they trying to fix what's been broken for decades. Due to massive fines etc. As for the miners strike. Any divisions were caused by the tory government of the time. Thatchers aim was to break the unions. Not achieve a settlement. Macgregor the puppet was at one stage close to a deal. Until that ******* scuppered it.
I'll try this analogy.... Single parent Family really struggling with making ends meet.... Energy bills and food bills, rent etc means no spare cash at end of the month - no savings either. Two kids asking mum.... We haven't had a rise in our pocket money for 3 years now. We cant afford to go out with our mates any more . Cant even use the buses to get around let around go to football or the cinema. Can we have some more pocket money? Mum has two options... say no or get a payday loan leaving her with a bit more cash in the short term but an unaffordable additional expense servicing the high interest loan. What option should she take?
You are still missing my point. I am not disagreeing with your points. Regardless of who was responsible for the divisions during and after the miners' strike, those divisions exist to this day. Please read my posts. You are focussing on the past and cause and effect, none of which is what I am discussing. What I believe is, however unpalatable UK simply does not have the money to fund these wage demands until GDP grows, inflation is brought under control and interest rates on Govt. debt is lowered. Again. How do you propse to fund these rises in tjhe immediate short term.
I assume you are in a union. If so, Vote for one. If not, ask for one. Sometimes that actually works. Anyone in a workplace of 21 or more can legally join one. If the company don't accept or don't recognise and don't offer a rise. I think it says a lot more about them. Than the unions. Workers at my wife's (RGN) last place of work were on the whole not in a union. My wife and a colleague were. Along with others they were disciplined on a trumped up charge. My wife and colleague had the support to get the charge removed. And all the others were also cleared after they'ed already recieved a written warning. In my view they are riding on the backs of their unionised colleagues.
It is not "greed" but, very unfortunately totally unrealistic unless the Govt can dig us out of the very deep hole they have dug for us and at the bottom of which all but a small privileged few are standing.
I'm not saying it's easy. But this is about a fair days pay for a fair days work. All the wrongs don't make a right. And until we reach a system that looks after all. And doesnt focus on austerity to put things right when other options are available just stinks. The energy bosses quite clearly stated they could pay more tax on profits. The government said the energy companies profits are needed to provide for improvements. In the industry. The energy bosses said they would not affect investment. If not ? where will the extra profits go. I don't need to answer that one.
Not a mention about the changes in terms and conditions, which the rail companies/govt always seem to want to implement every year in pay talks. Also, having a much less reduced disposable income means more gets spent in the local and National economy. This govt is very much responsible for what went off long before any pandemic/ global crash/ war. The Austerity most of us significantly endured shrank our wages and disposable income. This govt can find money when it suits, at least paying wage rises akin to inflation has a better chance of keeping people spending, keeping them warm and fed properly. Never ceases to amaze how govt incompetence and following their political leanings can be turned around into ordinary people being accused of being ‘ greedy ********’ because they’ve had enough and choose to fight for their rights. Some folk are so shallow it beggars belief