Either way, we are still heading towards a quarter-final against France or maybe Argentina now. Had the Aussies learned how to defend it could have opened up again with all these shock results, but I can’t see France slipping up. Presuming Spain win this one, they can then almost definitely knock Germany out by beating them, maybe even by just drawing with them. But England scoring 6, Saudi (let’s gloss over the fact that they are worse than Qatar!) beating Argentina and Japan beating Germany, if Carlsberg did the opening few days of a World Cup…
We had our colleague from the Aberdeen office down to our Leeds office a few years ago, and I’ll never forget the look on his face when he asked me for the code for the door to get through to the toilet and I told him it was 1966!
Been some great WCs in my lifetime , 1966 ,1970, 1978, 1990, 2018 Despite location , and so far this one is looking good also despite location .
Ooh ok mate, I was genuinely curious! Thought you followed middle Eastern football!! I think I've only ever known 2 Saudi players and 0 Qataris
On what I've seen thus far it's between us and France. I'll be able to comment more when I've seen Brazil. In Euro 2020 it was Italy that blew me away and I thought they would win it. So far it's us and France. However, if we hit them hard I could see us doing them.
I know it’s an obvious thing to say but Kane’s ankle is crucial to our chances. It seems that he’s due to start on Friday but there’s a weakness in that there joint tha knuz
First one I remember was 1978 - not many beat that for sheer razzmatazz. Ticker tape everywhere, Archie Gemilll's goal v Holland. Loved the whole thing