They've definitely imploded. Gone south since the Scottish Independence vote in 2014 and Cameron offering the referendum on the EU. To me a government offering referendums is a government that lacks conviction. They've been voted in to govern. It's weak.
Yeah he hacked my phone and media in 2019 and influenced which way I was going to vote and it went downhill from there. I blame him too .
Nationalisation. Rail is a natural monopoly. Let the contacts expire and take the trains into public ownership. Yes, their maintenance will be required to be covered by the government, but that's essentially how things work now, over-budget/underperforming contacts being handed back at the end of term for the govt to rectify. The benefit will be the removal of requirement to pay dividend to shareholders or private sector daisies and bonuses to top management, releasing significant proportions of budget that will be able to be reinvested. And I don't give a **** if British Rail was crap in the 80's, it's a useless analogy, times have changed, Ronnie Glavin was mint in the 80's but I doubt he'd score that many today!
Put your violin away. Yes, the sh*t you have to deal with due to our terrible rail infrastructure is crap. It's crap nationally. That is not the fault of the workers, as has been explained to you reasonably, time and again. It is the fault of the companies operating the services. If they were shops on a high street, you'd go to a competitor for better service. But they're not, they're trains, so you can't, there's no option. That's why rail should not be privatised. Because when it becomes about profit rather than performance, consumers suffer. The operator will only aim towards maximising delivery of one of those things. If they're a private company, profit will always be the bottom line.
Most of the profits are taken outside the country to foreign mutinationals or in some cases other state owned train firms. Funny how some of the same Brexiteers who wanted to 'take back control' dont give a stuff about their money ending up in the accounts of foreign firms and states.
Another loathsome Tory attention seeking individual. Have you ever seen her on QT, constantly pausing and waiting for approval before moving on.
the ones who can are, got to feel really sorry for the ones who need to get to work or they don’t get paid and the small businesses who rely on rail commuters.
To be fair she supports paying nurses more and has been heavily critical of the government for failing to do so
Of course you have to feel sorry for all those affected, including those who feel they have no other option but vote for, and participate in strike action. The blame for all of this lies squarely at the feet of this govt who are gleefully pouring more fuel on the fire
She supports a party that has constantly attacked pay, working terms and conditions for most workers, particularly in the Public Sector. Nurses and all medical staff deserve the pay rises and working terms and conditions they seek, as do other sectors, many of whom also worked under pressure during the Pandemic.