I'm with EON and a few days ago I got an email asking me to cut back on electricity usage for an hour, in return for a credit to my account. It was from 5:30pm until 6:30pm on Tuesday. At 5:29pm I duly switched everything off and started testing the sofa in the dark. I eventually nodded off, so the hour soon passed. This afternoon I got an email saying "CONGRATULATIONS" in big letters. I met the target and I'll be getting £1.15 credit to my account. Easy money! Anyone else done it?
Ha ha, why did I guess that you'd say something like that? I could have a free poppadom with the money saved, I'll bear that in mind next time.
With Eon Next, did it last week, got £9 credit, this week just over £4 credit. That's 3 days worth of leccy free, for going out for a couple of hours.
I’m supposing you need to be on a smart meter to do this? This next observation is something that as just struck me. What about all those who are without any heating for much/all of the day because they can’t afford it, shouldn’t they get some credit? I get the feeling it doesn’t quite work like that
Yes you do need a smart meter. The EON version works by automatically monitoring usage over a period of time, then periodically setting a reduction target for your peak times. I suppose if you're already using next to nothing you can't reduce it any further.
Yep, did it with Octopus and they ran 2nd one this week (awaiting results for that one). Just delayed cooking in first session and saved 84% for a £2.61 saving. Still watched TV during it, so money for old rope. Just don't use heavy duty stuff and jobs a good un.
Update: We've now had 2 more energy save hours. Total credited so far is £5.96. That's enough for a pint and a poppadom. Result!