This is a very good point, aswell as remember the tiny percentage of population that actually votes on this show is not representative in any way of the wider population.
Is there a campaign I haven’t heard about, to get Hancock to win and spoil it for the producers? It’s the only reason I can fathom, he can’t be fooling people into voting for him ‘normally’ surely?
No idea what’s going on and will be curious to see figures when they are released. I often watch IACGOH but not watched a single episode this series do to Hancock being promoted. Tempted to vote tonight though guess I just need to update the app and vote for Jill Scott
Jill has had it in the bag from day one for what she achieved in the summer. Hancock was always going to reach the final. People would either vote for him because they are Tory or how he's been in there has changed their opinion of him. Or people would vote for him because they hate him so want to see him suffer in jungle conditions for as long as possible. Either way don't worry he's not going to win it.
He as come over as alright bloke ,very clever and practical,gets full stars in every task near enough Think Jill wins it though
It seems that there has been a PR push on tick-tock to get the young voting for him. Organised by his team whoever they are Anyway I just installed the app and voted for Jill 5x
For clarity I've liked this post, the part I liked was the voting for Jill, who actually did her country proud.
I am still unclear as to how, when Parliament is sitting, he can take time off (3 weeks I believe) to take part in this. In fact, regardless of whether parliament is sitting or not should he not be working at what he is actually paid to do...representing the interests of his constituents and raising issues on their behalf? Is he taking unpaid leave?
I agree i haven't watched this series apart from last 30 mins of first one. I read where he said he was going to talk about Dyslexia or something, as he ? Dreadfull show now but if people want to watch it it's up to them.
I think he's mentioned dyslexia a couple of times but he's hardly made it prominent which nails the lie. He's a complete scumbag and one or two of the others in there have had words to say about him.
He's an absolute ****. If I were in there I'd rip him to bits letting him know exactly what I think of him.
I had never watched it, animal cruelty etc.. But found it oddly compelling, until the World Cup started..