Anyone clued up on them? For several days (might be more - I don't tend to look at it much) mine has been showing 'Waiting for current data'. I've tried all the online suggestions - chief being the time-honored "turn it off, wait, and turn it back on again!" Nowt doing. As I say, I rareley look at the thing, and swapped only to save me from going outside to get readings. Do the meters still send readings if the In-Home Display is switched off? If so, Ill unplug it permanently. Any views folks?
The little display things are pretty much useless. The meters are not much better, has anyone tried reading them? You have to press a button then wait while it cycles round several different displays then read a 7-digit number before it goes on to the next one. Quite difficult even to get a picture on the phone. Why am I doing that you ask? When the recent price increases kicked in, if you didn't they might charge you at the wrong rate and you wouldn't know....
Mine as been in the draw from day one,if i need to use gas and electric i will. I don't need a smart meter telling me how much I've used,i don't abuse my usage and how much is the smart meter costing to run over the year? Scare mongering by the government not to use to much for climate change,but it doesn’t stop them driving big gas gusling cars and flying abroad every two minutes. Do as i say not do as i do !
Mum and dad had one installed last week but it isn't connecting properly - they phoned up and company said yhey need to update software and can take up to 6 months !!
No idea why on Earth anyone would want them in their homes. Allowing private companies and this Government to gather mountains of data about your habits whilst simultaneously ramping up your anxiety about how much cost you're incurring in real time. No thanks.
Because it’s the only way I can get an off peak tariff of 7.5p/kWh. That’s one very good reason. When you say ‘mountains of data’, what does that actually mean? It knows how much gas and electricity I’m using. So do dumb meters. Isn’t it more helpful to have more data around usage, to be able to identify and tackle peak usage etc?
Each to their own, but I've found the in-house display unit to be really useful. When it comes to controlling costs, the first line of attack is understanding them. The IHD helps us do that and it's a real-time reminder of what we're spending. Obviously it has to be working first... I spent months making a nuisance of myself with Scottish Power when our first IHD died. Eventually reached the point where they sent me a replacement just to shut me up.
Unless the vibrator is mains powered or you're running a cannabis farm I can't see what you'd want to hide.
If that's the case make sure it's treble insulated, or better still use an isolation transformer. You (or whoever is using it) would suffer severe pain if there was any leakage in use...
Not really... assuming it's true, it was in the paper the other day that energy companies have been using them to switch customers to prepay without their knowledge.
I don’t like the fact that they could just remotely switch you into pre payment meters so I’ve refused to have one. I use the above app. You need a smart meter, its free and no need for an in house display, or any of the dongle things that the above site tries to sell, it's on your phone. So god knows what data they've got on me.