Smart meters enable new offers such as the 10p per kWh offered between 11 and 6 (I think 6) by octopus energy for ev car charging. In one of the Scandinavian countries they have periods where the wind blows the sun shines and you can get paid for using electricity. They allow the saving sessions that have started in this country, this offers the potential to save switching on gas power stations to get over the post 5 pm demand. It’s true though that smart meters have been used to switch folks to pre payment tariffs. That needs to stop because smart meters have a lot to offer.
I only have smart metre gif electricity. My in home display stopped working just before covid and my smart metre had stopped sending my readings. By time I realised it was covid EDF wouldn’t send anyone out to look at it. I since changed supplier who went under. I’m now with British Gas. there web site says there’s a queue for smart metres, but as I have one fitted by edf should they just be able to sort mine out and send me an in home display thing.
dunno, remains to be seen. off peak tariffs have been around for over 40 years. long before smart meters came along. they're not a new thing. if anything though, I imagine incentives for using off-peak will grow, not shrink, over the coming years.
Don't know if it's still the same, but suppliers didn't originally take into account the in home display changing companies. An entire new setup was required by the new supplier. May have changed by now, but I was in the same boat. An in home display that never worked and meters that didn't send readings. then the company went bust. Was auto transferred to edf who had to come out and replace the meters outside and a new in home display. Which was a faff in itself. And after about 5 visits eventually got them working
I think that might have been the case with the old SMETS1 meters, because they use a physical SIM to connect, which was initially tied to the supplier who issued it, and was then a PITA to switch. I think the new SMETS2 units allow suppliers to connect remotely, and can be done as part of a switch
That is true. Though they could just get a court order and have one fitted under bailiffs orders and/or cut supply until one is fitted if it was a requirement. Sad, aggressive, but true. A prepay meter I mean. They only switch people onto prepay by force who have significant debt and who have refused to engage in discussion on how to get out of it. And it’s a bit disingenuous to suggest they didn’t know it was happening as well. Though as with anything there’s probably a few examples of that being true, maybe due to incorrect logged contact details etc, I can’t imagine too many are switched without any notification at all. Prepayment meters have a stigma attached but they are nowhere near as expensive an alternative as they were in previous years (actually the same charges as standard but no dd discounts or dual fuel discounts etc - some even have a capped price prepay offer, or did) - and they aren’t as inconvenient either as you don’t necessarily need to go to the shop to top up a key or card now, can be done remotely from an app - if you have a modern meter. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want one. But they are useful for some. My sister in law wouldn’t go onto a standard meter if they paid her. Prepayment meters in themselves aren’t the issue. It’s the amount energy costs thats the issue, however way it is billed - that is what needs sorting. Too much profit, and too much waste and inefficiency in the system, that we all have to pay for. It’s as though privatising essential commodities and making profit the key driver wasn’t a good idea. See also railways, buses… I don’t mind the smart meter. It doesn’t affect our useage, I don’t plug the display in any more (in fact I’m not sure where it even is), but I don’t have to read my meters anymore and don’t ever get estimated bills. I did take readings myself in the days the rates changed - but they had done that automatically and had the same readings (to within a few units explained by different time of day, and in my favour too). I think they’re a good thing to be honest.
We had smart meters from EDF put in three years ago , they’ve never worked and we still have to send in meter readings , something to do with signal problems in our area, not so smart
I’ve refused to have one fitted even though I agreed to one when I swapped energy supplier to British Gas two year ago according to BG . The old ones were notoriously bad for misreading and from what I’ve been told the new ones are not much better . I’ve changed my direct debit to a quarter bill and they can still send someone out to read it !
Wouldn't bother if you are considering it. We have one, fitted by Octopus. Electric is fine, shows up and sends readings in. Gas, initially did neither. After I raised an issue, the Gas readings now go in, but the display thingymabob still only shows electric. Mother in law still has to submit manual readings for gas with Bulb. Display is a waste of electric, but meter readings going in is handy and Octopus dashboard is decent.
you have a mobile phone and email address? blimey. just think of the data being harvested from those...
My smart meter isn't that smart. it's charging me 2-3 times as much as last year. Stupid meter, more like..
I just saw their aggressive tactics first hand when I was volunteering for CAB and it’s put me off. Seems an easy way to make the lives of the poorest amongst us worse. Appreciate that they can do it other ways but that takes longer and gives people more breathing space. for prepayment it’s just a way of cutting people off without cutting people off. If they couldn’t afford the cheaper rates they definitely can’t afford enhanced rates.
I've no smart meter, i just take a reading every day and stick it in my spreadsheet and it tells me how much I've spent and gives an estimate for monthly total based on current use. Job done! Estimate for this month is £190.
As others have mentioned, makes cheaper tariffs available and creates data points to help drive off-peak usage. Those are two. They may not be of interest to you personally, but they’re definitely benefits.
The cheaper tariffs thing is what will probably force me to have one however that was Purley a bribe tactic to get people to take them. The off peak thing I could get on board with. My initial resistance was from the inconvenience of having to have it done and wait in (perhaps now they are offering better than a all day slot) I was further put off by being told it would save me money because I would be able to see how much I was using.
We have got them, fitted by SSE but now with Green Energy, same meters. Pay for what we use each month. Last few months have been tiny bills, £30-£50 for both with the winter allowance. Not looking forward to November's bill and the forthcoming Winter months.
tbh I don't even look at my IHD. I found I was constantly clock watching - like being in a taxi and watching the meter going up - so I just turned the screen off