Its no surprise that God , mother nature, father Christmas and the easter bunny don't really exist. They're the idea of a load of drunks sat round a table one during a heavy session discussing how to make a few quid. In addition religion is the idea of a few kings, rulers etc of how to reduce the unemployment figures. Employ a few as bishops monks, nuns popes and religious fanatics. Get these to wind up the population and get then to cause a few wars. A lot of dead bodies and the unemployment figures reduce simple. It worked in the dark ages and medieval times.
There's no such thing as any of that bunkum however I like that some people find comfort in the thought in difficult times. Absolute load of ***** to me though
Many Christians don’t believe in the virgin birth (like David Jenkins the former Bishop of Durham). In Aramaic the word for a young woman or maiden and virgin is the same. The Greek translation, on which nearly all Bibles are based, chose the latter.
Doesn't not believing that jesus is the son of the magic sky wizard by definition make you not a christian?
And many Christians do. They believe in the absolute letter of the bible. If Mary wasn't a virgin who was Jesus' dad? I thought he was supposed to be the son of God? Believe what fairy stories you like but don't criticise the right of others to pass adverse comment. Down that road lies Charlie Hebdo, Salman Rushdie etc.
When did i use the word invading? Stop with the line your trying to go down. From my own experience i find Muslim people more religious i dont know one Christian my age who regularly attends church i know quite a few muslims who attend their worship of a similar age.
Too many double negatives there to make sense. But don’t let my beliefs interfere or influence your disparaging comments or your beliefs.
It made me laugh. Plus, like someone else said, if it wasn't a virgin birth doesn't that mean Jesus wasn't the son of God?
Also, I don't understand how people can have conviction in a religion when they are picking and choosing which bits of the holy book to believe. "this bit is ********, but yeah, this bit is definitely correct and should determine society's rules and women's freedoms."
You are talking fundamentalism which is the root cause of most issues with the three major religions. The vast majority of Christians are not fundamentalists. The Bible is full of anomalies. A great deal of the Old Testament was was written with limited knowledge of the wider world and used as a basis of theocratic laws As for Jesus’ Dad ? Joseph. Why link Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie with Christianity ? Finally I have not criticised the right of others to pass adverse comment. I said I didn’t find a childish comment funny but you would seem it ok to criticise my right to believe what I want.
Nobody is stopping you believing whatever you want. You should expect to be ridiculed for believing in imaginary beings though.
Literally full of them. Not mocking you, genuinely. I just find it utterly baffling how people can so vehemently believe something that there’s no evidence of, and in many cases is just impossible fiction. In the same way that Lord of The Rings and Game of Thrones is.
No. I didn't criticise your right to believe what you want. I did criticise your beliefs which is my right and, given the wholesale slaughter and misery the major religions have caused through history, is something any rational , liberal thinker would do. The wishy, washy not really Christian Anglican church is ok I guess but only because it's lost most of its power and following. Take a look at the fundamentalist religious right in America though and tell me they aren't dangerous. If emboldened much more they will, once again, be putting Christianity at the forefront of persecution and threat just like they used to be. There are many perfectly good followers of any faith. I have no doubt you're one of them. There are many, however, who would return us to medieval barbarism to defend their power and belief in something for which there is zero empirical evidence. Unfortunately you can't have the former without the latter.
I mean it's a old joke but it's still humorous. The reality is nearly all aspects of Christianity were copied from older religions. It's often been a interest of me to ask what Christians believe happens to none belivers who lived and died before Christianity existed. A ancient Egyptian for example. Do you think he turned up at the pearly gates and felt a right tit?
God doesn't exist except in followers' minds, therefore, he can't be on borrowed time. Sorry to bring cold hard logic into this thread. I'll get my tin hat on....