I think the problem is whoever comes out first is going to be remembered as the Gay footballer, rather then a footballer who is gay. Unfortunately we live in a world whereby if you want to be someone who happens to be gay and in the public spotlight it seems to become a lot about you being gay and not a lot about what it is you do and who you are as a complete person. I know that some people push their sexual identity as being the be-all and end-all of who they are and what they represent, but that's not everyone's agenda, like I say unfortunately, if you're the first one out its all anyone is going to ask you about until you die like it or not. Also, no football manager or owner is ever going to say they wouldn't buy someone because they are gay, but subconsciously......its like the number of Black managers - no owner is going to say they are racist, but the number of black managers compared to players shows they are.
it's a massive indictment on the men's game, and actually, men in general, that things are in this state. whichever way you cut it, it's absolute b0llocks. the women's game - not even a discussion point. it's shameful. and the FA wouldn't even take a yellow to make a stand. it's rotten from root to branch.
I thought he was going art wi that Milli Adams, thats wot granbairn teld me, i dont think he's gay, but if he was crack on, knowt to do wi me.
Patrice Evra is talking ********. There’s no way that there’s at least 40 gay footballers in the Premier League. No way.
Me personally i couldnt give two hooots, cos its their buisness and as long as they do'nt start wearing too too's an eye heels i cant see it affecting the way they kick a ball. Come on you Reds.
He's probably not far off - the Office of National Statistics quote 3% as their figure. So that's 1 every 33 players on average, although there'll obviously be some outliers. And that's obviously only including those who are strong enough to state their sexuality in surveys etc.
Its a shame in 2022 that players are afraid to come out, my wife's uncle is 58, still living at home with his elderly mum, never had a relationship ( with a women) loves a bit of Abba and erasure, said to me and the wife he would be our bridesmaid ( tongue in cheek i think) i think he's gay as do many of the family and all of us just want him to come out, take the weight off his shoulders and be the person he is in all our own very short lives, we also think he wont whilst his 88 year old mother is alive, I really want to ask him, my niece who is a lesbian said you should, I don't want to do it to make him feel uncomfortable but to say " yes Andy we all know, now go enjoy YOUR life mate" such a shame
Don’t ask him, just talk about gay colleagues/friends in natural ways (e.g ‘my colleague likes Barnsley too, he and his husband have had a season ticket for years’), make it up if you have to. Just show him you don’t think it’s a big deal and clearly won’t judge him.
My post has clearly caused an issue with some, looking back it was the wrong context to put a name to a speculated person however I was purely meaning if it was to be true then it can only be a good thing for both Person X and others who feel they can come out. Personally a don’t give a toss if someone’s straight Bi or Gay. We now live in a society where MSM seem to have to thrust other people’s sexuality on to others to drive some agenda and if anyone questions or makes a reference to the gay community there branded homophobic.
My nephew has never 'declared' his sexuality to us. He likes football and often goes to the pub.... I know he has a girlfriend and they're thinking of living together. tbh I think he may be (dare I say it?) heterosexual - but he has never 'come-out' as straight.' I have told him that I will support him if he wants to 'come-out' as 'straight' - I feel he should so that other 'straights' in the same position would feel empowered to also come out... and it would be a weight off his shoulders if he could 'be true to himself' and live openly as a straight man.
it’ll be a great feeling for him, knowing that forums won’t be highlighting his name and he can live his life in peace ✌️