It's a poll. I haven't said we should or shouldn't either way. Just wanted to try and gage where other people are on this.
Of course we should, although there would not be any tourists coming any more. Look what happened to Paris!
Don't think I'd want President Sunak / Truss / Johnson, or whoever else it is that the Tory members decide to be in charge this week.
Agreed. I'd happily see them replaced by a better alternative. The more I think about it the less I'm convinced about the political will to come up with one.
Conflicted on this. The Royal Family obviously are a huge draw globally. Whether that's justified or not isn't a debate I would get into it. On a personal level, I'm not really interested in them, but I do like the history of the monarchy. One side of me thinks it's mad that we have a royal family, in that they're considered superior, they live a life of luxury etc, but I don't dislike them personally. They're obviously privileged, but I dare say it's not easy for some of them a lot of the time. On the whole I think it's probably worth keeping as the constitutional monarchy seems to be a decent system. But it's not perfect and I can't be bothered with all the fawning over the royals, but I can't be arsed with fawning over celebrities either. The mass psychosis the nation engages with over celebrities makes me want to throw up. Talk shows drive me up the wall. George Clooney has an opinion on COVID, let's all sit up and take note. Bonkers.
They are a complete waste of space. We should have a non-political head of state appointed by a parliament elected by Proportional Representation. I think Johnny Vegas would make a fine head of state.
Surely though, if it is a parliamentary appointment, the head of state will, inevitably, just become another political appointee. We would need someone removed from political influence. A unifying, impartial force. I see no way Parliament could be trusted with that. Just look at the state of the Lords with all their jobs for their cronies appointments.
Whilst I don't violently disagree, are you aware of the fact that the Monarch and Heir (currently Charlie and Wills) can get a look at (and object to) any bill before it even goes before MPs? One such bill which gave tenants the right to buy their property ( has an exclusion granted to (then) Prince Charles on his properties in Somerset close to Highgrove preventing the tenants from buying..... That's only one of hundreds of bills changed to accommodate the Royal family.
The Lords would have been abolished and replaced with an elected upper house. A parliament elected by PR would be far less prone to cronyism and be far less partisan since it would include many smaller parties all of whom would have a greater say. Our system is rigged to keep the two biggest parties in office in their turn, which suits them fine but dumps on the rest of the country. Actually, Dame Judy Dench would be my first choice of head of state, with Johnny Vegas as her advisor.... What I suppose I'm really saying is that anybody could be the head of state (including King Charles) as long as they have ZERO political or other influence on a proper, sensibly elected government which truly represents the people.
I agree with the weight that celebrity endorsements, political views SM 'influencers' seem to carry is ridiculous, but occasionally one or two appear that do actually have a positive impact on people lives e.g. Marcus Rashford who spent not only a lot of time and effort putting his argument across but also his money where his mouth is (apparently 125% of his personal wealth donated to charities) and is someone who has certainly not taken his situation for granted. The problem with the Royals is there are just too many of them on the civil list and far too many people surrounding them who bask in the reflected glory, many of whom are responsible for perpetuating the outdated traditions. The list seems endless and whilst many are honorary roles many involve quite a drain on the taxpayer...