Never a pen, he dragged his leg over the keeper, but it's karma for Suarez and he's livid. Hilarious.
This ref consistently getting conned by Uruguays dives and general nastiness, if he doesn't start to take control I can see a Ghanaian lamping one of them.
Uruguay are a truly horrible football team. Cheating gits the lot of them. Liked how Ghana protected the penalty spot because they *knew* Uruguay would try messing it up. Send 'em all off ref.
As it wasn't seen by anyone, will it be reviewed after? It was blatant. Do those rules apply in the WC?
I think that must be the worst penalty I've ever seen. He must have stood rooted to the spot for five seconds after the ref blew the whistle. Uruguay should be down to 10 men. Horrible challenge. Can't see Ghana coming back though.
Uruguay need to be heavily fined for acting like kids on and off the pitch. You shouldn't be touching officials.
Yeah sod em, they are an appalling team and set of individuals even at the best of times. Losing it and trying to hammer the officials like that at the end, was just comedy gold. You know what, I'm really enjoying this WC.
Germany ✔️ Uruguay ✔️ hopefully, prob meet Spain in the quarters, but given this WC results so far who knows, could end up being Cameroon v Morocco!
Whatever you think of Uruguay & Suarez they were clearly the 2nd best team in that group. I understand why the sides who’ve won their first two games in the group rest players but it does make a bit of a mockery out of it that Korea have gone through against a very weak Portugal side when they’ve been the worst team in the group. The other day would’ve been even worse if Tunisia would have fluked their way through against France reserves. I don’t condone any of the behaviour by the Uruguay players but I understand it, for many of them it’s their last World Cup & they’ll be feeling a sense of injustice. It should hurt them. It would me too.
As others have said, karma. You reap what you sow. It's taken 12 years but worth the wait to see the faces of the Uruguayan cheats The Ghanaian version of the hand of God