It came from the ponty end yeah, and me and my lad clearly heard it from the family stand in the east upper at the other end of the ground. It’s absolutely ridiculous and the fine was inevitable - but it is compounded all the more by the fact that our own head physio is a woman - what on earth would she have thought? Imbecilic Neanderthals that can’t hold their beer; they will be the same ones going on about the PC brigade, wokeism and snowflakes on Facebook and Twitter etc. And also probably the same ilk that still prevent me from going to away games to save the embarrassment of being tarred by their actions.
Really not sure what the club can do here in the absence of ‘minority report’ style surveillance. A rival fan could easily enter Oakwell, chant obscenities and the club would get fined £30k for it. Fine the fans, not the club.
Don’t hold back lad . Maybe you should confront them eh . I’m not condoning them at all but I find this little bit over the top .
You are right about the responsibility but how on earth do you expect half a dozen stewards to stop 500 numpty"s bursting into a spontaneous song /chant instantly ? good luck with that one .
I don't think you can stop it completely. What you can do is come down hard on those who do and make sure that the rest of the fanbase knows that you have done so which will make them think twice about joining in. You can immediately put out a message on the tannoy making it clear that the chant is unacceptable and action will be taken (like we did at the last home match to be fair). It just seems that those in charge of these things at the club either didn't feel it was a problem to sing that song or they did but hadn't learnt a thing from the last big fine for the chanting against James McLean where the club were given very clear instructions. Instructions that don't appear to have been followed. In defence of the club though, it's different steward this season so it could well just be that someone higher up hasn't made it clear to those taking over exactly what is expected.
I wonder if any other club has been reported for similar instances. Whilst not condoning anything. I'd be amazed if the lass hasn't had the same chant thrown at her at other grounds. But saying that, I don't recall our physio or female lineswomen. getting the same treatment
It's simple; when the rest of the crowd hears a section singing something abusive at women the whole crowd point at them and chant 'rapist!' or 'wifebeater' over and over again and see how they like it. And before anyone says the two aren't quite the same... so?
All of it to be honest . Like I say go and sit in the ponty and confront them instead of ranting on here . By the way, I sat in the family stand for the last 12 year . I’ve heard quite a few unsavoury comments coming from people in there .