I reckon it's what I was rambling about earlier. It's your conscience or intuition whatever you want to call it. We instinctively know right from wrong from an early age.
Why do you find it difficult to comprehend what I've said regarding the OT, fundamentalism and the Gospels. You've asked me direct questions which I have answered in an attempt to explain my faith. You don't accept that and that's OK. You say "My problem is that any form of religion gives cover to those who take it to the extremes" and I agree. As I've said you're banging on about fundamentalism and I agree, but its not Christianity. People who do bad things 'in the name of God or Christianity' are not Christians. They can declare whatever they like, but their egregious actions define them. As our town motto 'Spectamur Agendo' says judge us by our acts. How you lead your life defines your Christianity. You'll notice I've not said in all this banter that I am a Christian. I take a leaf from Lord Donald Soper's book, "I am a socialist and I aspire to be a Christian", which means I'm a work in progress and aiming to get better. I'm a great believer in every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. I fully understand 'your problem with religion' and I respect your opinion. Please respect my beliefs.
I do respect your beliefs. However, my initial input on this was when you criticised someone else's opinion and tried to shut them down. We'll leave it there.
I definitely would. And have. I've said the same to Muslims, Sikhs & Jews. They're all equally as fictitious as each other to me. Interestingly, Buddhists can actually prove their main man did exist. I wonder why he isn't considered God by all the other lot?
100% yes. If people need religion to tell them to be good, and require threats of hell to force them to be good, I would conjecture they aren't good.
I respect your right to have whatever beliefs you want. I don't necessarily respect those beliefs, particularly anything supernatural or any belief in a God.
Hi George. I was looking through previous posts and found an interesting comment from you:And “Telboyred’s accusation of LGBT discrimination and misogyny is based on ignorance”. Just wondered if you wouldn’t mind qualifying the statement for purposes of clarity, as I assumed we were on a similar page with this. Thank you
The problem is you can’t treat it like you’re reading Lord of The Ring, but if you don’t believe it has any more validity then LOTR then you’re not going to approach it differently- so you’re stuck in an intellectual vacuum sniggering and pointing at passages in Leviticus as though it’s some kind of “gotcha” which slays Christianity. https://slmedia.org/blog/why-cherry-picking-the-bible-is-not-an-option-for-catholics Also, contradictions would point to it being more not less genuine. If it’s a complete work of fiction trying to convince people that Jesus was the son of God, why wouldn’t you just make it all neatly fit? The facts that the same stories are told but have differences points to independent witnesses does it not? Really to have original parchments which are talking about events within a hundred years of there stated occurrence is pretty solid historical record for what is generally accepted in ancient history.
Not quite sure how it makes any sense to pick and choose what is right and what’s wrong in the bible or other holy book. Surely either the book is the word of an omniscient god or it’s not? and if you believe it is, how can you accept that he got something wrong? if you don’t believe it is, I’d say that you don’t meet the top criteria for being a Christian…
My apologies I mistook the comment about LGBT discrimination and misogyny being accredited to you when it should have been ‘BarnsleyReds’. Sorry once again and thanks for your support.
"If there are no absolutes by which to judge 'society' then society itself becomes the absolute" - Francis Schaeffer