Aye that’s why he’s going to that great footballing league of Saudi Arabia. Purely for the footballing honours and not the half a billion or whatever it is that they’re paying him.
I just don't get why some people simply refuse to act professionally when they are so amply remunerated and in such a privileged position. Particularly someone like him who has reputedly given a lot to charity. Just makes no sense.
Exactly, I think the opposite to you. Out of the two, I would much rather have Ronaldo. I think Messi was lucky to be part of one of the best teams the world has seen, and had Ronaldo been playing with Xavi and Iniesta, you realistically add another 10-15% to his figures. In addition, I think if you would have put Messi in (what wasn't the greatest) the Real Madrid team, then he wouldn't have dragged them to the victories they had, like Ronaldo did.
Really tough call TBH. Personally I think Ronaldo is a more rounded player and would give him the edge. That said Messi holds nearly all the records at club level, Ronaldo Internationally. Don’t forget Ronaldo also had the same tax issues as Messi, but not as much noise was made as he did a deal early on to avoid court after the Messi saga.
How is Messi lucky to play with Xavi & Iniesta but Ronaldo isn’t lucky to play with Modric & Kroos? That Real team was incredible.
This is as close to objectively incorrect as an opinion can be. Ronaldo is better than Messi at... erm... heading...? Messi is better than him at basically everything else.
Messi has been a wonderful footballer, but always in a comfort zone alongside great teams and players. And he hasn’t actually won many team honours considering who he has played for. And when it gets really tough, he goes missing. CR7 in his prime could (and did) drag teams to glory almost single handed. I don’t think he can do that now, but I think he’s starting to accept this. He was one of the first subs over to celebrate with the starting XI when they scored their first couple of goals and looked chuffed for his teammates. He’s the one for me out of the 2, but let’s enjoy them both while they are still playing!
How on earth has Messi gone missing? Dragged his club side to champions league glory, dragged his international side to the World Cup final & copa America glory. He’s won 10 La Liga’s, 7 copa del rey’s & 4 champions league. Loads of team honours there. Ronaldo should have won more trophies as Barca didn’t have a side anywhere near as good as Real for the last few years Messi was there & Portugal have had a far better side than Argentina throughout their careers but he hasn’t. As for comfort zone, what sort of a criticism is that? We constantly criticise players for leaving clubs for more money yet Messi stayed at Barca until they had to get rid of him to avoid bankruptcy. Do you look at Giggs & Scholes & go ‘cracking players but stayed in their comfort zones?’ If Ronaldo would’ve come through the Real Madrid academy & they would’ve offered him the money & length of contract he wanted when he joined Juve he would’ve stayed at Real his whole career. Every move was motivated by money.
I know this is getting ahead of meself and very much tempting fate, but.....should the unlikely happen and we win tonight and Portugal are our next opponents, I reckon its nailed on he starts against England.
Always makes me smile when folk say there’s no loyalty in football and yet Messi spends the majority of his career at one club and in doing so it makes him not as good as Ronaldo because he hasn’t done it at other clubs.