Which a lot of them, personally I can understand why. When politicians straight-face lie, media manipulation, facebook/social media saying this, that and the other will be better, it's understandable why they voted that way. The NHS bus would have particularly pulled heartstrings. Then there was a massive backlash about remainers wanting to overturn it, so brexit-supporters get on the defensive bla bla bla. Mean whilst the country slowly goes down the drain. Unity was naught. Covid strikes, cost of living crisis worldwide. NHS waiting lists sky rocket. Hopefully people will realise they have to do a little more research now than reading a random post on Facebook and believing it. Surely it has to be Labour the next GE. The Tory party itself is ripping apart from the inside out Edit before I get grieved, obviously reading random posts on Facebook and voting was hyperbole before anyone jumps on. Just trying to get my broader point across
If people think I'm a c n u t fair enough. That's up to them. Please don't base it on a vote that none of you would have known about if I hadn't posted it on here.
You really shouldn't worry so much about what total strangers think of you. You're entitled to your views, but that doesn't mean we can't strongly disagree with them.
Yeah Labour gunna work wonders and s hit cucumbers,can't wait for them to turn all this round. Good at talking the talk and iam not a Tory voter.
So what do you honestly propose? Let this lot who've had almost 13 years in power continue? How do you expect them to walk the walk without the opportunity? They've made plenty of mistakes, no doubt. But I'd bet my bottom bollock we wouldn't be in this much of a mess if Labour were in charge at current. Even the 'minor' things like Tory MP's breaking their own rules and lying on national television is bad enough, let alone the rest of the crap involved
Pre-war times? I’d place it round about the 13th century. I live down south and know folk who are committed Tories. They are now appalled by the Tories and yet they can’t think any other way. I once got so pissed off with one bloke I told him his ancestors probably got run down by the lord of the manor in his carriage, got up from the mud, tugged their forelock and said ‘thank m’lud for running me down’ and were happy about it. He agreed. I’m still trying to work this one out. The Tories and their supporters are gagging for some feudal system,
Correct mate. I've yet to listen to one tory MP. Who I have any empathy with. I've no doubt one or two on the back benches don't agree with everything the cabinet put forward. Hence the bullying recently in the commons. In the same way I won't probably agree with everything labour do if they get to power.
The normal Tory defence is in place re the strikes - use their tame media to try and get the public to turn against those striking (stealing your Christmas, stopping you seeing family, not coming to take your Gran to hospital etc etc). The mistake they are making imo is that with Rail Workers, Posties, Nurses, Ambulance Staff, Teachers, Civil Servants, Local Government, Border Force all going on strike, then most of the British Public will know someone going on strike, or have one in their family. They can see the reasons strikes are happening or are actually living it. Not so easy to turn against your family and friends when prompted by the Torygraph or the Daily Fail.
I don’t think they’ll s hit cucumbers, but I do think that in simple terms, they’ll try to take the money currently going to Tory donors, foreign governments which own our utilities, share holders and general Tory nest featherers like Michelle Mone and spend it on making good all the damage done by the current Tory government. Possibly the best example being the difference between the NHS now and during the last Labour government. Different worlds. I also expect the Tory press to bombard the public with tales of high spending which the great British public will swallow and yet again at the next election vote against their own best interests and hand the benefits back to the people who have already got more than they could ever need. I would then expect to read messages on social media asking how Labour would do any better.
Thank you for that makes sense ,it's just when i hear Starmer and Rayner they make me cringe. I won't even listen to the Tories talking on TV just one lie after another. If/when Labour do get in i wish them good luck with this s hit show they will have to clean up.