I remember falling into the water when rafting. It was a scorching hot day in the middle of summer, and the water in the river where I fell in and the lake where I ended up was around 16-17 degrees. After the initial adrenaline rush had passed, I suddenly started feeling absolutely ridiculously cold. I was probably in the water for no more than 3 or 4 minutes, but I was already extremely glad when the instructor paddled over to fish me out. It was only after that incident, that I fully understood just how quickly hypothermia must kick in when the water is around 3 or 4 degrees.
I had a Canadian software engineering lecturer at Newcastle Uni and I swear he wore shorts, t-shirt and sandals even on the coldest of days in Newcastle.
From what I remember from my days working up in Newcastle it means the local lasses will have had to lengthen their short skirts by a couple of inches to fully cover their bums and tops that actually fully cover their boobs. I remember heading back to the hotel after a late stint at work and seeing groups of lasses heading on a night out like they were in Ibiza when it was about -4C . Like when we took a group of female dancers (Barsnley lasses up to Glasgow for an SECC gig. It was snowing on Sauciehall street and they went out wearing those satin square tops (tied at the back with strings) that were in fashion at the and mega short skirts. We were following at a distance ( sort of chaperoning) and some Uni- students walking the other way wrapped up in coats scarves woolly hats gloves couldn't believe what they were seeing. (Geordie and Barnsly lasses were tough as nails!!)
I generally don't like wearing too many clothes in bed. The night before last, the heating went down, I wore a fleece lined hoody, sweatshirt, t-shirt, trackies and socks for bed. Had a portable heater on for an hour before bed, hot water bottle and a blanket.
Bring your bed indoors! When I started work (1975), ice used to form on the inside of the bedroom windows. It was so cold I used to put my work clothes on with my pyjamas underneath! Is it a poorly insulated house you live in?
When I was younger I reckoned 3 degrees was enough to get me a sweat on never mind keeping me warm ....cough
Yes, if Global warming along with the long-term trend of a weakened system, destroys the gulf stream as some are predicting, we would be due winters like Canada https://www.severe-weather.eu/globa...-collapse-freshwater-imbalance-usa-europe-fa/ Just to give you some idea - places on a similar line of latitude to Leeds UK, in Canada have an average daily temp of -8 C in Feb, while Leeds is +4 C - a massive 12 degrees different on the average daily temp.
It must be fifty years since I wore anything in bed. I don't think I'd be able to get to sleep if I wore any clothes. If anyone has read my post, the horrific thoughts of JLWBigLil naked in bed will ensure no one will be able to get to sleep tonight!
Wife's feeling the cold, but so far i'm quite happy wearing my p,j's, got to admit the dog mek's a great waterbottle.