If I despised you I’d already have you on ignore so you wouldn’t have to worry about it. It’s a bit weird tagging someone (twice) though to tell them you’re ignoring them, it feels like the online equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying ‘la, la, la, I’m not listening’. You don’t need to tell anyone you’re not talking to them anymore, you just stop doing it. You especially don’t need to make it public.
I bet he upset you more by putting you on ignore and then telling you he was ignoring you, and making it worse because he is ignoring you because he thinks you are too sensitive to his posts - I think he needs a bigger shovel
Am I missing something here ? How do you 'ignore' someone. If you do that do their messages be they on a thread you've started or not just not appear when you log in? I've been called a f--- c-- / a Welsh t--t / had a couple of pm's (from the same poster) threatening me with solicitors letters. - tbh it was like water off the proverbial. Couldn't be arsed 'ignoring' anyone even if I knew how to do it! If it's any consolation SD (xx) you are second on my list of favourite posters.
I never put anyone on Ignore. Even the stupidest of WUMs have a strange kind of comedy value. @Stephen Dawson You've put a lot of decent posters on Ignore and I'm not sure I follow the logic. Perhaps a better approach would be to have a short break from the BBS if it's getting a bit too much. Then come back stronger when you're feeling more like yourself. Anyway, all the best mate. Looking forward to my Xmas card.
@most of u on this thread.....he can't hear u! No offence, to anyone Edit.....Well, he can cos most of u have been quoted!
I have to say I’m amazed to be on that list. I can only think of one poster whom I deliberately insulted.
I’m getting terribly confused with this thread which is probably age related I know but what happens exactly if you put someone on ignore. I know you can’t see their posts but can they see yours? If two members both put each other on ignore would the world come to an end? Should l be happy or annoyed that I’m not on SD’s list?