I will be sure to pass that on mate, although I guess my dad will have already seen this. If he hasn't I wil be sure to pass it on. Same with my boys too. I hope despite the circumstances you and your family have a Christmas befit what you deserve. I do miss our pre match chats pal
We have ours on but 2* lower than what we had it on last year, we keep the house to a minimum of 18*, the Mrs might put it on a boost for an hour in the morning then we set it to 19* about teatime for the evening
Plus wearing shorts for work has toughened me up aswell, turned up to football last night n shorts n a t-shirt n rest of players were like onions even little un’ walks round in next to nowt at times so she must’ve been toughened up too, oldest one gives under her duvet the gret wimp
Sending you all my best wishes mate. I miss our occasional post match natter but life's priorities change. I'll miss more home matches this season than ever before, spending a lot of weekends at work as it's so busy. Hope things improve for your daughter and take care of all of you.
Our heating is on, initially had it on an hour in the morning then again a couple of hours at night but it was bloody freezing in the house and it took ages for the heating to warm back up again, so it comes on at 6:45 and stays on until 9pm now. Obviously it’s not constantly burning in those hours. Just ticks over when it needs to re-warm. I work from home too so it’s not warming an empty house. I suspect it will cost a fortune but so does repairing damp and mould from leaving the house cold. I do have a capped unit rate until March as well at an older and cheaper (but still bloody extortionate) rate. We have a heat pump tumble dryer which uses much less electric than the previous condenser one. We aren’t very energy efficient in our house. I do try - but with three kids constantly charging a phone or iPad, watching a tv in one room (with the lights and another tv playing to nobody on in another), we could do better. The Mrs isn’t the greatest at reigning them in and calls me tight - she hasn’t even seen an electric bill, never mind paid one!
Do you have a smart meter? If not just make sure you send monthly readings so you can keep tabs on the usage.