You may have missed my other posts. That's exactly my point. I'm not defending her, I really genuinely don't give a flying one, I'm a non-radical republican. So I'm genuinely watching from a passive distance the way that grown up blokes are being manipulated to be angry about this nonsense.
Here we go again bullying . Like I said to the other fuckwit . I shall be at the Xmas home game with one of them maybe both . You can join us if you like .
You are a *****. Consistently making childish remarks about me. You have had my offer just like one your bullying pals as had . In fact give me your number and I we will send you a video message over Xmas
Tell you what isn’t a media created view, that they are both privileged posh ******* with absolutely no idea how it feels to be truly oppressed. The ‘left wing’ defence of these posh fuckers is nothing short of embarrassing.
Fair play to the media, for getting folk with very different outlooks and POVs to buy into this nonsense. Each to their own and all that, but there's a million things going on in the world that deserve platforms, that need debating/discussing. The Royal family is a right load of guff, and once the Queen passed it ought to have been abolished, the monarchy. It's 2022, not 1622. Below freezing, folk on the streets in one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Folk indoors, unable to afford to turn on the heating. And somehow, the media has got the country invested in rich *****. Hats off to 'em. The Tories will win the next election too at this rate. Here's my nod to Stephen Dawson...
It's showing that all her family have been shunned by her and she's even lost her best mate who as a huge part of her wedding.
I'll tell you whose not defending them; Me. And I'll point you to my earlier posts for my opinion of grown blokes who actually have an opinion on this panto.
On a day when one of the richest men in the country as the PM is trying to convince us all that nurses and rail workers are trying to hold us hostage by asking not to have their wages cut. Where a Tory peer has gone missing having pocketed £29m of our taxes. Grown men are mostly concerned about whether a black actress is a horrible person who hates our Royal family. There's no wonder we're in the state we are; folk are too stupid to be let out alone.
Let’s look at what we know of the Royal family: Our dearly beloved recently deceased queen was prone to the occasional racist gaffe (as repeated without irony by some of her sycophants when trying to prove how ‘funny’ she could be) Her husband had affairs for almost their entire marriage, an open secret to everyone in royal circles, ignored by the media. Our King started a relationship with another woman and carried it on all through his marriage, and when his wife got fed up of it, the media was directed to hate her instead. His younger brother befriended a convicted sex offender, which led to him getting involved in one of the biggest sex crime stories of the last 50 years. Leading to his mum paying millions out in hush money. Our current PoW is almost certainly following in the footsteps of his dad and grandad by having his sex lied outside of his marriage. So… what royal ‘scandal’ is the media directed to make the British public angry about? A prince has married a black woman who apparently isn’t a very nice person. But obviously - no one is being manipulated here.
But all the things you've listed were huge news at the time and are still common knowledge. Prince Andrew, Charlie having an affair with Camilla, etc. How did they go under the radar? they didn't. They were on the pages of the tabloids day in day out year in year out. I've no idea or interest in which side is right on the current spat. Clearly the Dailys Fail and Express are throwing red meat to the gammons on this one but I'm not convinced there's particularly an overall agenda outside of that. The tabloids always have and always will stir up muck on the Royals because they know it sells papers/clicks. I don't give a flying fk about any of them. My only concern is what value they have to the country and if someone can come up with a better alternative the lot of them can head off into the sunset to make their own way in the world.