Rest of his team, consoling each other, going to their fans, he's straight off, no interest. Petulant child. Should never play again.
I think before the tournament started if we'd been offered Morocco for a place in the final we would have taken it. It would be an easy tie. If we get past France we should be beating Morocco 3-0. Belgium are an ageing side as his Portugal. A few of us in the predictions thread had Spain for the early exit We haven't seen a booking and we've got three clean sheets in a row. Get past an overated French team and we shouldn't fear the last four.
To be fair we would have taken anyone in a semifinal for a place in the final. Just unfortunate we got France in the Quaters. I’d rather have Argentina than Morocco though and I’d have preferred Portugal, though I am happy that Morocco won
I nejoyed that in a nostalgic way... Like years ago watching Barnsley going one up in the Cup and defending deeper and deeper and hanging on..... That 'Alamo' feeling all over again.