Ohh well never mind, so naahh then lets all have a lovely banter filled singalong now... " Its coming home, its.. ohh dear! "
This is when the daft kids don't understand the song they're singing. Then we wonder why foreigners think we're being arrogant FFS
I look forward to Le Monde showing the result on the side of Big Ben tomorrow and all the Daily Heil and Scum readers being up in arms how very dare they
Yeah exactly. The loathsome Italians were in our faces and giving it large about its not coming home etc, after the Euro '21 Final. And the annoying thing about it, is they were right!!.
Again, it doesn't make me ashamed to be British it just makes me think think that these people are dickheads like most right minded french people will be thinking. It's up to you but I wouldn't put much credence to anyone else supposedly speaking on your behalf who actually aren't.
My only interaction with this is…. What makes an out of date, out of tune, click bait press the epitome of Britishness? Often the things that you are embarrassed of being British by, aren’t even British values. British values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. Number 3 was clearly not evident there and clearly not used when putting the ill advised “joke” in the French capital.
Nope, I was at work when I posted that so that means I was sober anyway. So theres no embarrassment here tahh very much.
You're not embarrassed that you have no idea what the lyrics of 3 Lions actually say or mean? I would be