Does anyone believe in Judgement Day and what it entails. I never realised until reading up on it how grim it is. If I've read it correctly when you die there is nothing. However, when Jesus returns you will be resurrected and be judged. You could be killed again and resurrected to serve under Christ during his 1000 year reign. You could be killed and live in hell for a thousand years but if you don't have the devils mark you go to heaven with everyone else. Have I read it completely wrong? Reason I've been reading up on it is a conversation I had with someone regarding deja vu and past life regression. Are we on Earth until we get it right so to speak. You keep living and dying on an endless cycle until you get it right. These past life regressions are attempts you had to get it right. Absolution attempts. Deja vu is an inertia. A point in your life where you should stop and think is this a cross roads? Also why does deja vu increase and last longer as we get older? Is it because we're closer to the moment we die?
It’s because your brain function slows, so there’s more likely to be a crossover between your short term memory and long term memory functions. As for judgement day; how does it work for the billions who happen to be born in a place where different religious beliefs are prominent? (This is a much more complex answer than I’d originally planned).
It's made up just relax. And @Donny-Red very interesting bit of triva on deja vu. I think as i get older I can feel brain function slowing down!
That sounds vaguely similar to the Buddhist belief of reincarnation and the ancient Indian belief in karma. Basically, you do good things, you get rewarded. You do bad things, you get punished - either by bad things happening to you or by being reincarnated as a "lower" animal. With the ultimate aim to finally understand the true meaning of life and being promoted to Nirvana. Or something.
Not sure that it is made up in the sense that you mean. I've always been an atheist, but in the last few years I've started to reassess things. I don't know if I'd consider myself an atheist anymore, but I do think, through my personal experiences, I've had a sense of 'something else'. Had some brilliant conversations with biologists who are ex-atheists who say that studying biology led them to God. Interesting stuff.
Its interesting however it doesn't change my view that all religion is made up. I 100% accept that we don't have the answers to the origin of life and all the details of the nature of the Universe. If studying biology leads someone to God then they have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Personally I think the wonder and size of the Universe is far more awe inspiring then any god the primates on this "pale blue dot" have imagined. A sense of "something else" is very vague so I wouldn't want to dismiss it without further understanding what you are implying. All the religions of Humans are just that, man made.
Well, maybe, but they're educated people, so I can't dismiss what they say. I agree, it's mesmerising. But don't you ever just think it's incredible that you're here. You're having a conscious experience. That there is a universe to observe. I find science incredibly dogmatic these days. Physicists are all cause and effect until it comes to the universe. "Oh, it came from nothing". Well, maybe, I don't know. I know that such works don't actually define "nothing" as "nothing". I'm very much out of my depth, but I just don't dismiss religion. There's some incredible, documented investigations into near death experiences that appear to suggest you can exist outside of your body. People will laugh at that, but they're serious scholarly works that academics are really puzzled by, that is, if you subscribe to an entirely materialist view of the world.
You need to define Judgement Day before anyone can really answer that. What have you read, where have you read it and who wrote it?
I just googled it and kept typing different questions and came up with a few articles: Then after Donny's reply. the Second Coming,in the Gospel of
Yes I'm very happy to dismiss religion as made up by humans as every bit of evidence ever uncovered supports that theory. In fact every single mystery ever solved in the history of the world turned out to be - Not magic. There is no evidence of near death experiences being anything other than a result of chemical reactions in the brain. If you have ever had the misfortune of seeing someone having a psychosis is person then you will get a idea of how fragile the brain is and with it our sense of logic and reason. The truth is we don't know what the universe was or was not like before the big bang. If people want to put God at the limits of human knowledge then I understand that, it's the old God of the Gaps theory. Such a God however is doomed to become a ever receding force as knowledge expands.
The truth is we don't know what the universe was or was not like before the big bang. That's what my Dad said last night when I was debating it with him.