Admitting you don't know something is the basis of m Scientific discovery. However just because we don't know something isn't cause to fill in the gaps with whatever fairytale takes someone's fancy.
And there's zero evidence whatsoever that consciousness and what people experience in near death experiences is a chemical reaction. None at all. If you think humans are merely chemical reactions then, fine. But I don't.
It's all a load of ********, religion is a made up concept to try to control the population. When you die you die you cease to exist you become depending on your means of disposal either a pile of ash or worm food. That my opinion for what it's worth anyway.
I agree, once you're dead, you're dead. But the nice part is that while your consciousness may come to an end, the atoms that make up your body just go off and become other things... bricks, oceans, leaves, animals, other humans... It all sounds like Hotel California. You've checked out, but you can never truly leave.
Suppose everyone is entitled to believe what they want as long as it does not impact on anyone else’s beliefs. My view is there is no god. The bible is load of nonsense brought into being to frighten the uneducated masses in the Middle Ages. The church loved the power and the money they made out of it. So imo we are born and unfortunately have to die. What we do in between those two events is our individual choices. The mystery of space and the planets and the greater universe will remain a mystery in all our lifetimes. Enjoy the rest of your life guys. We only get one chance.
If there's widespread reincarnation, will the lucky ones be fully intact? Limbs , bodyparts, organs etc. There will also be a severe housing shortage, aswell as food. Maybe the creator didn't think it through.
Well, they are all linked to some form of religion and these are all made up by man ans so any given JD linked to them is also made up by man. But what if there is another form of JD that is not linked to any religion and as such is an intrinsic part of life / death? So far I don't know of anybody that as come back to give us a clue as to what happens next.
Despite my little attempt at humour above, believe it or not this very subject came up with my eldest last night. He couldn't for one minute believe that we only exist in this particular life. And something must be before or after. Reincarnation as someone else etc I simply suggested that it probably isn't something that exists. And the thing I used to give weight to my side is this. The world population has just surpassed 8 billion people. Back in 1960 it was just 3 billion. It was approximately 1 billion in 1800. So what was everyone today in a previous life? Fish? Bacteria? How do we simply move from one microbe to a human etc. He said we should return to the conversation at another time. I look forward to that one lol
All the dead rising from their slumber to be judged too and the Dinosaurs. As no knows what happened "when there was nothing". My radical theory last night was that we were put here by Aliens as an experiment. When we die our conscience departs but not with loved ones as the near death experiences point to. The conscience collected and recycled and lives on. Heaven is actually a planetary system solving the congestion issues. Judgement will be when the creators get fed up and move onto something else. They placed prophets from each religion in the different continents to foretell of a series of events through history culminating in this. Hence the differing theories from religion to religion. It's boils down to this for me. It's either nothing or mind boggling. I'm in the camp that wants there to be something. However, nobodies been back and told me about it. That said, I don't have any reasons to be a believer either. Hence the midlife crisis and threads on mortality.
One of my favourite song lyrics, the eels, novocaine for the soul: Jesus and his lawyer...are coming back.. Imagine the kind of kick ass lawyer jesus would have and how he'd make our lives a collective misery for failing jesus. That's judgement day right there.
Guess it`s time for the judgement day.In the year 8510, god is gonna shake his mighty head.He`ll either say i`m pleased where man has been or tear it down & start again. Zager & Evans.
It’s irrelevant, there isn’t a different outcome depending on your faith. Someone believing that something will happen isn’t the same thing as it being true. The ‘Christian’ outcome you read is for people of that belief. There’s no place for non-Christians to serve under Christ. The belief in a god requires you to not believe in the other gods. You have to pick a team and hope you’re right.