The last child recovered from the lake has died. Heartbreaking, that going out having fun could have such tragic results. My heart goes out to the families.
R.I.P Heartbreaking. I'm sure we all walked on frozen lakes as children, we once crossed from one side of the Fleets to the other when it had frozen over one winter on our way home from school.
Hopefully this will help stop other children going on icey lakes or another stretchs of water. RIP little ones.
See this is absolutely foreign to me, I've never, ever done it. Ever a bairn or as old as I am now. Was always petrified. It's so saddening to realise these children are gone forever for something so innocent. Absolutely heart-breaking, I can't imagine how the families are feeling. The world is full of sadness. Cherish the good times as much as you can.
I was on about the parents letting their pre teen kids play out in treacherous conditions and at a time of the day/year when it's soon getting dark.
This made it to the news even here in Finland. Such a terrible tragedy. All this reminds me of an old animation that was shown on Finnish tv every day during the winter season, right after a popular children's tv show that all the kids watched (and still do!). The animation and the music are somewhat creepy, and broadcasting it on almost every winter day for decades always felt a bit odd to me even as a child, but everyone in Finland knows it and the "Varokaa heikkoa jäätä" (= "Beware of thin ice") phrase in the end. I wonder how many lives that animation has saved...
The whole thing has had me in tears. The police officer who tired to punch through the ice. The 10 year old who tried to save the others and lost his own life. So devastating, can't say I have ever been on a frozen lake but did plenty of things as kid that looking back were downright stupid. I can't imagine how the parents feel, such a senseless loss. RIP little ones.
It’s horrendous. RIP to all 4. I’m getting annoyed reading people criticising & abusing the parents. You can be the best parents in the world but kids can & will play out. If we wanted to we could’ve gone on a river or on a lake that was frozen over plenty of times & our parents wouldn’t have had a clue & I’m confident the same could be said about the vast majority of the people criticising. Just a tragic accident.
Was going to mention the same but couldn't be bothered getting into a spat with people on here. Kids are kids
Some people enjoy victim blaming for whatever reason. I still find it difficult to resist walking on ice and I'm 50, although I limit that to puddles these days. Winter weather and the accompanying ice and snow is still a little magical to me. Like you said, a tragic accident. We will always have to try to educate children not to walk on ice, not because they're stupid or have bad parents, but because to some of us doing things like that is almost irresistible. I can't explain why that is, I just know it is.
It's sickening. I still remember the Hemsworth Water Park tragedy. Brings it all back. R.I.P little one's.