Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved.
There are fairy stories. There are old writings. There is a lot to learn from them, but most things are outdated. Morality has not changed. Do unto others. Most followers of Jesus in the US defend their gun rights. It is clear from the Gospels that Jesus said "put down your sword". They seem to ignore this, but hate gay people, Hmm.
Earliest Christian was around 25 years after, Jewish credited around AD93 and earliest Roman around AD120, but your right it was sometime after when it become more regular.
Yet all have the basic message that you should look after your fellow humans. And that being rich isn't what you should aim for.
That's because the people writing the books are rich and don't want others to try to take that wealth. It's a bit like Rishi Sunak telling the nurses that they should be happy with their wages.
An aspiration mostly espoused by the people with the wealth that they believe the rest of us shouldn't be striving for...
Plus smiting, crucifiction, killing millions by flooding, holy wars, stonings, and although the bible did inspire the life of Brian, it also gave us John Wayne as the Roman guard in the greatest story ever told, and IMO that is worse than any of the murder and slaying stuff!
Anybody who hasn't heard that line needs to find it so that, along with those of us who have, they can condemn it as the single worst delivery in the history of acting.
That's grossly incorrect. Mark who was an acolyte of Peter wrote his synoptic gospel about 35 years after the death of Jesus.
Obviously it's not basic enough given the untold evils Humans have visited on each other in the name God's.