JOIN US IN RIMMINGTON'S THIS SATURDAY Club News Coming to Oakwell on Saturday as the Reds take on the Brewers? Why not spend pre and post-match in our latest hospitality setting?! Continue reading on the official site...
The early match kicks off at half 12 on TV so how come you can only enter for the second half? If someone wants to watch that game I can't see many leaving wherever they watched the first half, to watch the second somewhere different. Madri is the only premium lager with cheap tat like Carling, but it's a good choice. Zero food options for vegetarians or vegans so work needs to be done to cater for all.
East stand exec area. Gally posted the other day saying it's the mezzanine area in the middle below the exec boxes and has previously been used for general exec things. Has no view of the pitch or anything, it's at the back of the stand. It's quite small which is probably why they're charging to limit numbers.
Here"s a bit more info. It's on the mezzanine floor below the main exec suite. Opposite where the old Oakwell AM Radio Station used to be. Not sure if they have done more work in there as haven't been in since last season (It has been used for a few fan engagement forums). It's been used in the past as an overspill to the exec for big games and also as a bar/area for the player's families when they were moved out of the corner stand. Not sure if it was still used for that though last season. Think it would be a good place for a few drinks and a bite to eat pre-match and the fiver seems reasonable to me. I think the food is likely to be pretty decent as well.
Thanks Supertyke, it's a bit like something they have at Bristol City, somewhere to go out of the cold, food and drink available and somewhere to sit down.
Unless I'm missing summat are you paying for the privilege of being able to pay for beer and food? No ta. Little Accrington have a brand new bar that's free to enter and has a unrestricted view of the pitch. We pay £5 in advance for no view of anything. If they can do it we should be able to. Looking at the social media for the bar it's done a great trade away from home games being open for live entertainment and World Cup games.
looks amazing, and obviously we don't have that kind of money. it went over budget as well I think. out of interes,t do you know how accrington have funded it?
Not sure. They signed at new 50 year lease with the council at the same time. Presumably there was investment from the Council and Andy Holts company that own them as part of that deal. Looks great what they’ve done (essentially new stand/conferencing facilities/bars/hospitality/changing rooms etc)
I know it's a pipe dream to be able to do what Accrington can on their 4k home attendances. We should lower our expectations and buy a garden shed to sell lowly lager brands like Carling, Red Stripe and Skol from.
I doubt whether their attendances have paid for it , our owners will not spend a penny of their own which is fine they have made that clear from the off , whilst other owners of some clubs do things differently especially owners who are rich genuine fans with a love for their club , I suspect this may be the case at Accrington & fair play to them I think it is fantastic but it is pointless bringing attendances into it .
Do you think their 4k attendances paid for the 2.5 million investment? By the way, they didn't have ANY hospitality or corporate area before this. We've got numerous that are sold out most weeks. The changing room facilities etc. were also very poor. Yes, it looks modern and great, it would, it's new but I think you're getting carried away a bit that they have facilities greater than ours.