Might be an interesting read. I find it impossible to understand that the people that burned Thatcher could ever vote Tory... https://www.theguardian.com/politic...all-conservatives-reform-uk-party-immigration
David White sounds like your standard bigoted, xenophobic scumbag who would've been a BNP or National Front candidate were those parties little more than a bad memory. An absolute shock that chief Brexit liar and fellow bigot Richard Tice is head of Reform. It's sad to think there'll be people from my home town horrible enough or gullible enough to be drawn in by their dog whistle bullsheit, just like they were with the Tories in 2019. Freezing in their own homes because they've been told by the likes of White, Tice and Farage that the real enemy is the brown person coming over on a boat, while those three continue to count their money and destroy the country with their lies.
David white is an hoyland councillor not goldthorpe. He's also a former Brexit party member who has left the Tories before and then went back after Brexit won the vote.
Well if your sat in your council house with bugger all money to heat the house and feed your kids then seeing loads of immigrants living it large in a hotel down the road must be a bit galling! Generally those less affected by immigration tend to shout the loudest .
I’m affected by low paid construction workers. This started twenty years plus ago when there was a polish influx . It drove down wages on site considerably and put H&S at risk . Look at the barbers in town. Barbers that have been in town for donkey years are now competing with loads of cheaper shops . Immigration as many benefits and many non benefits .
Not at all as I work for myself pal . What I earn is mine. It’s funny though as the majority of the large warehouses or factory’s in this town are staffed by foreign workers. Is it right or wrong ? I have two opinions on that .
I like the first line of the article “All along the red wall, those who gave the Conservatives their election victory in 2019 feel betrayed,” WTF did they expect when voting Tory.
It’s Corbyn fault for being a wet flannel . Those people needed a strong leader with conviction in his voice to persuade them . Unfortunately he couldn’t because of his neutral stance on brexit. It’s a shame kier, who I’m not really a fan of, was not at the helm with his bench then!
If your struggling to feed your kids or heat your homes seeing gas companies making tens or billions in profit per year and it ever increasing while the government taxing them more or less Jack **** must piss you off more??? Or maybe not...
Strange that Cruddas claims that the Tories have moved to the left when in reality it's moved radically to the right with the infiltration from UKIP being the prime mover.
Just gaslighting - though it has gone more left under Sunak than it was briefly under Truss. Its still to the right of the Thatcher one though
It’s easier to vent at immigrants than a multi national company I suppose No, I don’t vote full stop . There is no party currently that I can relate to or that as a positive impact on my life . Much like many people in this country. If anyone thinks that there is not a issue with immigration in this country they must be living in cloud cuckoo land . Just like the issues that large businesses taking the pish on bonuses etc . The Tory party look after the elite . The labour party are supposed to be the working man’s party so they say . I see no difference between the two . Just because you get a few labour mp’s shouting Tory scum across the floor does not mean they give a rats arse about you and me ! Just to add I’ve never voted Tory and was a labour voter .
It was him that wanted the neutral stance! His side of the party did all they could to keep remain on the table
Maybe so I don't really blame the companies its the government letting them do what they want and pay next to nothing in tax. The immigration one as you say with barbers and builders is a funny one I find if your good at your job you'll be okay. The others side to immigration is many doctors and consultants aren't English obviously there's English equivalents sat at home with there thermometers after having there jobs taken. I agree there does need to be immigration control but that's one of the main reasons people voted this government they give it big one on immigration but never delivers.