Todays mandatory reading... link "The walls of our house were supposed to be white. But I never remember them being white. At first they were grey. Then they turned black from all the coal dust. My father was a coal worker, but not the kind in a mine. He actually made charcoal in the back of our house. Have you ever seen charcoal being made?"
That was a fantastic read, thanks for sharing it! I've always liked Angel Di Maria, even though I don't care about the clubs that he has played for, and this article makes me appreciate him even more than before.
Brilliant story, I'm a little opposite to you, although a tremendous player I've never took a shine to him. But it's very humbling to read that about his past and perhaps why he is who he is and why he does some of the things he does. Lovely story to read. Shame it never worked out at United because would have loved to see him at his peak there. That chipped goal he scored for them was insanely good!
Personally I still think he's a tax dodging ex con who tries to gain public sympathy and support by telling us the humble beginnings he came from but who conveniently forgot about people like that when he stole millions out of their pockets to line his own. Oh and he's a cheat too
Most elite athletics/famous people are tax-dodging. The very people who are supposed to support, serve & govern us do it, politicians