I would be very willing to make a contribution if anyone is fund raising. Also, does anyone remember Mr Hinchcliffe who taught Geography out in the prefabs and had a stand-up boxing match with (hard man) pupil John Woods in front of all the class 4C in about in 1962? Woodsey lost.
"Bull" taught me for 4 years. He taught me French in 4A and 5A, and both French and German to A-level. He was also my form master when I was in 6A Modern. He never taught anything below 4A, because he thought it was beneath him, I suspect. He lived in a detached house near the top of Dodworth Road, not that far from school, but he drove to school in his large Humber and had his own parking place in front of the school building. He won the Czech Military Medal, I believe, though I have no idea why Czech. I have to say that I was not a massive fan of his. He could be quite scary. I preferred the aforementioned Spot, and also "Yogi" Bramall, who taught me both French and German over the years, and also Harry Mirfin, who taught me French in the first form and also in the 5th and 6th form.
Total silence in the classroom. Spot: “Very, very obviously……” Spot puts hand firmly on shoulder of nearest boy Spot: “Very, very obviously [insert name]” Total silence in the classroom. Spot clips boy firmly round back of head, whilst exclaiming “Yer crap”
Thanks for that info about Bull, none of which I knew. He taught me in 6A Modern, and I quite liked him. Perhaps he was more relaxed teaching 6th formers, and I found him a refreshing change in comparison to staff at QEGS Wakefield from which I'd transferred. Some other staff I remember are, like you, Harry Mirfin, plus Isaac Hunt and Stan? Ellerby for Geography.
You were at QEGS? I played chess for the school on several occasions against QEGS. Bull, l agree, was generally quite relaxed, , though I remember one occasion when he got really cross. He had made a sarcastic comment about a fellow pupil's failure to prepare a set text properly, and the boy muttered "Christ" under his breath. Bull heard him, went red in the face, lifted his desk lid and slammed it down hard and exclaimed, "Do you want me to burst a blood vessel and drop down dead before you? Get out of my sight! Go to the library. I don't know if I want to teach you again!" I thought Harry Mirfin was a really nice bloke, but I didn't like Spike Ellerby, who taught me in the second and third form, before I dropped Geography. He often used to walk up and down the aisles, punching boys on the arm, as he asked them questions.
Update - this is now on site at Shaw Lane Sports Club. It needs to be put up on the wall but that should be resolved soon. Plans are being made to ensure that the traditional reading out of names happens next year. I understand that some of the old boys are involved.
Is the Holgate Old Boys society still going? I got dragged to an OB Christmas dinner about 20 years ago. None of my old "B" stream classmates were there but I recognised quite a few of the "A" stream rich kids who'd gone on to University. Horace Jarvis was there as well as Norman Goddard. Funniest bloke was Stan Richards aka Seth Armstrong who was cracking jokes all night. Didn't know he went to Holgate till that night, but what an entertaining fellow he was.The night finished with the old school song which nobody ever forgets. Fortiter Occupa Portum.
King's in Pontefract had Oak panelling in the Main Hall which became the library and near the Heads office and General Office. The rest of the old building had it in every classroom until they painted over it in magnolia emulsion. It looked a right sight when it started to crack and students picked it off.
Late to this, but I remember well the names of the fallen echoing around silent corridors. Very emotional.
Yes it is, and I believe Norman Goddard and Mr Jarvis still attend. It is by all accounts still “men only” .
I've never ever been but I know it used to be held at Ardsley House every year. My late father-in-law used to go. Where do the hold it now?
'Occupy the gate bravely' is the rough translation. That's what a fellow old boy once told me anyway.......