Apologies is already posted but, the lovable south Americans were actually chanting lots of anti British songs with reference to the Falkland etc. Now we're do FIFA stand on all this? Will they be fined or spoken to? You can bet the other way round we would have had the world cup taken from us and ordered to pay compo!! Just shows its time for the world of footy to leave the corruption that is FIFA and set up something with fair morals. Rules are only rules as long as everyone adheres to them.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...glish-Falkland-War-countrys-tune-Spotify.html Sorry its the daily fail btw!
Our boys sailed 8000 miles to kick their sorry arses, but, it's a bit of banter, we give enough out, we can take a bit back.
Yea I'm not bothered about the "bants" I'm more concerned with FIFA and closing their ears to the political chanting, which they are allegedly apposed to. They were very quick over our poppy on the shirt scenario.
It was good bants sinking the Belgrano. What did you do today? I sank a battle cruiser. Excellent bants that. Crack on.
There's an obvious difference between something in the official shirt and fans chanting. I don't FIFA have ever down owt about our knobheads chanting 10 German Bombers at every tournament in living memory, so why should they do something about this?
I was at Barnsley friendly v Leeds a few years back and the Ponty was in full swing singing that to the Leeds fans. Substituting German for Suicide bombers. I've heard it when we've played Bradford City too. Then there was town full of Saville's.
The players were singing it in the dressing room - as far as I'm concerned there's no difference between that and the Irish women singing their song - for which the Irish FA were fined by UEFA. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/28508/12763987/republic-of-ireland-women-fined-by-uefa-for-singing-pro-ira-song-after-qualifying-for-world-cup#:~:text=Republic of Ireland Women's players,basic rules of decent conduct". so lets see some consistency, personally I don't care about either incident, but once you've gone after one you have to go after them all.
I think if you haven’t seen the various documentaries about the Falkland’s Conflict, then you ought to. Our brave lads and lasses, military and Civilian, were very lucky that our losses weren’t much more severe than they were. Jingoism alive and well then
But we were just fined 30 grand, and as some above have said, the Irish women were also fined. I'm not bothered about the subject, i.e. The Malvinas, but I just want fairness and consistency in the application of the rules. We all know it's not just FIFA, but UEFA and FA with their favoritism towards certain teams, allegedly. The fish rots from the head down.