Are saying that they want the world cup final replayed because there was unfair decisions and believe they should have won.. they even have a petition in place
I saw this...think they have 200000 signatory. Absolutely no chance of a re match and they may wanna look at the England match for refereeing decisions...think they did more than alright. Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much (or summert!). Take your medicine boys you were sh#t for 82 mins in that final.....errr imho!
We should have the last 12 years played again… the ones that sepp blatter sorted for them to have easy groups….
I stand corrected. Never thought you could beat us at Wembley. Tongue in cheek by the way. Good luck for your game this afternoon.
The Frogs have only got themselves to blame here. And its a shame because think of what might have happened, if they had started competing from the first minute. Just think what would happen though, if a game ever did get ordered to be replayed, because of alleged dodgy refs.