Rishi Sunak plans to entice thousands of over-50s with 'midlife MOT' https://mol.im/a/11571079 But hey we got Brexit done!
Seems a bit short sighted of them to blame the age group that tend to start to see themselves as more Conservative as they age and leave working behind. Telling them the failing economy is their fault and giving them ‘financial MOTs’ to reveal to them that they aren’t as financially comfortable and middle class as they thought they were will hopefully backfire big time.
I don’t expect many on this board to become more Conservative, I just mean that younger people tend to vote left wing and older tend to vote right wing as a collective of the whole population. There’ll be plenty of individuals who don’t do that but that is the general vote spread according to polls.
There is no way I would go back to work, worked hard to enjoy life whilst relatively young and no one will ever change my mind on that. Best decision I made.
And for those of us doing free childcare for our families, what do we do with the kids? Take them to work? If the claim is that paid childcare should be used, well the parents both work for the NHS so struggle enough as it is. Give them a decent pay rise!