All of this - there's absolutely no more than a very small minority of people who see 'Rejoin' as an aim, let alone a viable option. OTOH it's hard to argue against joining the single market in some form. The absolute myth that the UK could in any way 'stand alone' in a global economy is so ludicrous I don't know how to deal with anyone who believes it. Pick up any Chinese or American electronic item - and look at the CE mark. If those massive economies know that there's such a thing as 'international standards' who TF is listening to the haunted pencil JRM telling them that we just have to believe and the UK can ignore all the others.
Course it is. Why would you remember the hundreds of hours of warnings of what would happen that the leave side consistently brushed off as Project Fear. Why would you accept responsibility for your actions when you can blame others for not stopping you?
Blame everyone else rather than the ones who caused the mess. ‘It wasn’t me Sir’ whilst sat there with a broken fist and blood all over your school shirt. Brexiteers are actually making me sick. They’ve fcukked the country and still won’t take even a jot of responsibility.
So are you saying you don’t remember the ‘Project Fear’ mantra, and perhaps forgot about the ‘ NHS Bus’ or ‘ Taking back Control’? But Corbyn again eh
I think the general consensus is that Corbyn was a brexit supporter, but for purely socialist reasons. And I reckon that’s why you didn’t see any fight.
Not at all fella. Im not talking about the project fear. I m talking about the lack of action by the remain side. Barnsley should have been targeted and an of onslaught information to dispute the leave rhetoric. It never happened because it was too much hard work. Lets face it, Corbyn’s stance at the tv debates was amateur at best. He just shook his head and mumbled. Boris made him look like a that lad in Kes who got caught with the cigarettes. I voted remain because i knew from experience what the EU had brought to this area. Not many did though and they were left to believe what Boris was saying. Personally, i could not give a **** anymore.
I voted remain pal. I didn’t need any jumped up mp or left/right wing hypocrite telling me. I can see with my own eyes what the EU money as created in this area.
Whilst not rejoin any party not advocating Single Market access and custom union membership is not a party that is taking our economic situation seriously and not a party that will have my vote. Love that volte face though. It’s ‘impossible’ for Starmer to speak out but Corbyn had a big red stop Brexit button that he chose not to use. Breathtaking hypocrisy.
Straightforward question though JV: what happens if Starmer comes out for rejoining the single market?
I couldn’t agree with you more about the poor. ‘ local’ remain campaign,However, the (perceived) immigration card and associated mistruths that the Leave campaign pushed was always going take some trumping. I don’t believe what Corbyn said or didn’t say had any negative affect on the outcome. The whole issue divided the Labour Party more than the Tories, who were both Largely in the remain camp. Difference was the Tories were in govt and had more opportunists who didn’t give a **** about anything other than furthering their careers and/ or pushing through a right- wing agenda
Is your remain vote as real as your kids at the Quaker school? Just asking cos every time this is brought up, you argue that not enough was done by the remain camp. It strikes me that’s an odd viewpoint for someone that voted remain.
We won’t rejoin and shouldn’t. If we rejoin now the conditions likely to be imposed by the EU would just split the country again, and would even persuade many remainers to change sides. For example, they wouldn’t let us rejoin without us adopting the Euro, which nobody wants. I’m afraid a bunch of liars and self-serving hypocrites, a very clever campaign, a right wing press, a complacent Tory leader, a conflicted Labour leader and a 51% of the electorate who were one or more of gullible/racist/selfish/stupid have led to a pretty much irreversible and horrendous decision that’s going to have a devastating effect on the country for decades to come. All that we can do now is make the best of the bad hand we are dealt, and that is why both Labour and the Tories will be happy with a Labour win at the next election. Both parties know what needs to be done, but the Tories are too scared to do it. We need to go back to as close as what we had before as we can get, and yes, that includes freedom of movement. Labour can come in and make that decision, the Tories can make noise about how it’s not what was voted for, etc, the country can get back on its feet and then the Tories can get back in and just leave the deal in place, hoping the noise has died down a little now the economy has started to improve. Labour have showed them the way to do this, by arguing against the privatisation of our assets whilst in opposition, but doing **** all about it when they get back in.
Not having a trade deal is madness. Agree that rejoining anytime soon is not really an option. So many industries, including mine, (music) are really cut off from our nearest neighbours at the moment. Focus for me for Labour has to be rescuing the health & social care sector & sorting our green energy sector. Both of these will rely on some sort of trade deal with the EU, before even mentioning the Northern Ireland impasse.
I dunno. I voted remain and thought the remain campaign was awful. The leave campaign was very clever, in that it had catchy slogans, tied the remain campaign up into constantly having to respond to things the leave campaign had said, rather than pushing its own message, and the leave campaign totally exploited the fact that it could just barefaced lie with no consequence. It also spotted how it needed to appeal to the different sections of the community, playing on the racist tendencies in communities like ours. Corbyn was the wrong man to be in charge of the Labour Party for this campaign. Take it back to the early/mid-90s, with John Smith or Tony Blair as opposition leader and remain would have won. I also think remain would have won if Dominic Cumming had been on the other side, or not even involved at all. I agree with MW above in that more should have been done to point out exactly what part the EU had played in the regeneration of Barnsley. A great example of how crazy the campaigning went is that Vote Leave had a rally at Fox Valley, a development paid for by the EU!! Then again, I spoke to my dad and step-brother till I was blue in the face about why they were being had. I explained what the EU had done for our town, the problem with the Irish border, that Turkey wasn’t joining the EU, the effect it would have on the NHS, that the deal with the EU would not be the easiest deal ever, that the immigration thing was a smokescreen when it was all about tax, financial and employee rights laws, that the £350m to the NHS was a lie, you name it. But nothing I could say could compete with the apparent end to immigration that Brexit would bring or the stupid idea that the EU needed trade with us more than we needed them, based purely on the German car industry.
I did but why you have to bring that up again shows your insecurity pal . I’m telling you my thoughts on the remain effort . It was pathetic and people like yourself blaming the thick racist bigots as they are often quoted on here is childish and pointless . Like I say , I couldn’t give a monkeys on brexit now . It’s done
My thoughts also . The reason why the tories have screwed this country for so long can and in my opinion, be laid squarely on labours doorstep. Their in fighting and clueless leaders are as much to blame than the racist, right wing bigots often lambasted on here
Radical thought here, but maybe the people to blame for the Tories screwing the country might actually be the Tories.
Of course but there’s a reason why they have had three terms and that reason is labours piss weak opposition
Y see - you do like to pretend it's me with the small mind. And I'll accept your vitriol if you can find anywhere I ever used the phrase above. Go for it, fill yer boots. Show me when I've ever posted anything even close. As for my 'insecurity'; I've nowt to be insecure about pal, but I do so hate a liar and a fraud, and my mum always said 'when someone shows you who they are; believe them'. And I don't ever want you to forget, that every time you hit the keyboard - the rest of us know what you are.