That's one of the worst takes I've seen in a while And I read that music thread when Dyson said that the Arctic Monkeys were the best band ever.
Bigot. Great word. Bigot – ‘a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life.’ I know lots of people who are on the surface perfectly reasonable and intelligent – I’d even class some as friends. But get onto politics and they become bigots. They are invariably conservatives. Because their minds are closed, they can genuinely see no other way. They also tend not to like foreigners and (I live darn sarf) are suspicious of northerners. I suspect this country has more than its fair share of bigots.
The reason lots of people voted Leave was because they believed it meant ‘foreigners’ would be sent back to their country of origin. I know this, because I know a lot of people, even folk I class as mates, or colleagues, said as much. The day after the vote, channel 4 interviewed folk in Barnsley. There was one leave voter, outside the cinema, who said it was a good result because there are too many Muslims. I remember it so vividly, because it was at that point I realised there’s only so much you can do. Some folk are just thick, and racist.
E Exactly the same at my place of work. I can't type the words they said, but you can guess , absolutely thick as a castle wall. They're our future right there.
I ain’t into politics like some on here......I have always been a Labour voter but after years of voting I now believe most of all politicians “****” in same pot tbh!......anyway going back to was a democratic vote and what ever the outcome should be accepted to me.......end of thank you that’s my say on it ha!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This. I've lived in LS6 for 30 years now. Every taxi driver, shop keeper, etc is a muslim. They are great people. We have great chats in the cab when they are taking me back from a gig. I've been to their mosque open days & a few of them that aren't that religious have a beer with me. We have to accept people can be different. I do expect their kids to speak English though, or it won't help them integrate & be the people they should be. What religion they choose means nothing to me. They are all Abrahamic beliefs, that takes in Christians, Jews, Muslims, Rastas, etc.
The tories have imploded to a level that he can pretty much say anything at this point. But if he genuinely (like pretty much all economists) believes that it is economic suicide not to do so with a cost of 40billion a year he could say this is how we pay for doctors and nurses to be paid properly. This is how we guarantee ongoing free health care. This is how we improve pensions. This is how we pay to nationalise rail/water etc. Just tell the truth that it is virtually impossible to rebuild the country without doing so. Be persuasive argue his point of view. Stand for something. Have a vision.
The Brexit vote, along with the most recent US Presidential election (namely, the lies that Trump told during the campaign and the lies and attempted coup that followed) and the 2019 General Election (more lies by Johnson and his team, aided and abetted by the right wing press and their campaign of misinformation regarding Corbyn) have done their best to destroy democracy. The Vote Leave campaign was based on so many clear and obvious lies that it is a travesty to the word democracy to even begin to consider that it was so. Democracy is more than simply being allowed to walk into a polling booth and tick a box. Sadly, the genie is out of the bottle, as they say. Politicians have always promised more than can possibly be delivered in an election manifesto, but now they know they can say whatever they want. The difference between a general election and the Brexit referendum, however, is that when Johnson got elected on a bunch of lies in 2019 and got found out, we could get rid of him, just as we quickly got rid of his successor, and just as we hopefully will get rid of the whole lot of them. With Brexit, once it was proven that the campaign was based on lies, once people got a better understanding of what they had voted for and once it became apparent that the promises made were all going out of the window, there’s nothing that the public could do about it. Polling showed that by the time we actually left the EU we would have overwhelmingly voted to remain, but they didn’t want to have a democratic vote, I.e. when all of the public actually knew what they were voting for and what the implications would be. But as much as the dishonest Vote Leave campaign can be blamed for the mess we have got ourself into, the blame really should be directed at the people who let it happen. First and foremost, a decision of such magnitude should never have been left for a generally ignorant British public to decide, but if they were to go to the country a decision to leave should have required a much larger majority (2/3 for example - our Scottish friend won’t like me for saying it, but I believe the decision certain people are pushing for up there should also require a clear mandate, and shouldn’t be allowed to happen with a majority of 1, which was possible under the terms of the last one - a clear mandate will allow for a swing in opinion after the vote without it changing the decision). And if they were going to go ahead with the referendum it should have been structured much better, i.e. have an indicative referendum first, as to whether there was the appetite to explore leaving the EU, and then follow this up with a final vote once all of the terms and implications are on the table. Agreeing you want us to leave the EU without knowing any of the terms or implications is like agreeing to sell your house without knowing what you’re going to get for it. So when we are looking around at who to blame for the mess we’re in, don’t blame Boris Johnson, Dominic Cumming orNigel Farage, as they were just the opportunists, looking to make financial or political gains from it, and don’t blame the gullible/ignorant voters. Instead point your finger at David Cameron, who used the referendum to settle an inner party squabble that was threatening to tear the party in two, and then who carried out the referendum in such a complacent and disastrous manner, before running away when he saw what a mess he had made. I don’t know how Cameron, or Truss or Johnson, for that matter, dare show their faces in public.
It genuinely is quite amazing how much of a correlation there is between extreme right views and an inability to use the quote function. I know there are outliers but the general trend is pretty damning