Dropped back to pre-Ukraine invasion levels in Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/busines...ble-uk-mortgage-oil-china-covid-business-live Our wholesale price is now below pre-war levels so why are consumers paying so much?
Because if you listen to them, they say it takes between 3-6 months for the new prices to be passed on to customers as we are currently using the gas bought at the price from 6 months ago. Petrol is similar. A load of rubbish if you ask me but let’s see if they pass the discount on in the summer when our usage will be low anyway. Bit of a coincidence?
when prices go up they’ve to put them up instantly but obviously when they come down it can take up to 6 months to reduce the price…and this government have no reason to lie to us have they
A few years ago I was holiday and met a lovely family from Canada (calgary). The guy guy was a director of a company called ES Cana and he reckoned they did exploratory work and supplied 75% of the north west of the states with their gas and a percentage of their oil. He told me and this was maybe 12 years ago) that it was all b#llshit....the prices the scare tactics etc etc .....they are all artificially priced and that oil would never run out. Now I'm not in oil and gas so I just listened and its probably more true now than at most other times. Whenever these politics come to the front, I think of what he told me.
Gas prices are so high, i've started putting Vodka in mi Lawn Mower, problem i've got nar, mi grass is always Half Cut
Oil will never run out? He sounds like a learned person for sure… Pricing is a con, there’s no doubt. But oil is a finite and dwindling resource, so I’ve no idea what he was getting at there.
I'm only telling you what he told me not what I believed but when a director of a massive company like that talks....I listened. His info was that oil, self replenished itself and there was plenty to go around. I did question him and he just said well you have been programmed to think that way....look at the 70s when there was serious oil shortages and the americans had to reduce their massive gas guzzler cars...no one talks of it now. Like I say ...I listened not my belief, just very interesting.
I reckon the biggest disaster the World will see is the Sink Holes, caused by extraction of Fossil fuels.
Oil is a totally renewable resource, the only problem being that it requires millions of years and a lot of global extinction events. We're working on the last bit...
Okay, there must be someone on here better qualified than me to answer this scientifically but I thought all the oil in the ground was made millions of years ago? Like with dinosaurs and pre-historic fauna and the like.
Me too, he gave me loads of research to check out and told me me make my own mind up. Few years ago now but it was all very interesting.
I can't understand all the fuss about Gas going up, i went for a tenner's worth, and it was still a tenner.
I think the debate on oil has moved on from reserves, same as with coal, there is no doubt that there is plenty left of both in the ground. The problem with non-renewables is that the carbon contained in them took millions of years to put there but takes seconds to release back into the atmosphere where it produces global warming. For any climate deniers out there, consider Venus. It's a very similar planet to the Earth albeit closer to the Sun. It's easy to calculate what the surface temperature should be (without an atmosphere) based on the inverse square law of radiation and the difference isn't great (less than double). However, the actual surface temperature is 475C so why this huge difference? It's down to the thick Venutian atmosphere consisting mostly of carbon dioxide.
All this worrying about climate is completely overhyped, the planet will sort itself out very quickly when fusion is cracked and we are getting there rapidly. I'd like to see all the so called rich countries spending billions on wind, solar pull the funding and massively accelerate the work being done on fusion. It's probably the one breakthrough that will change civilisation forever. Virtually unlimited clean and safe energy, easily meeting the needs of the entire world's energy and beyond (space exploration). We saw how quickly the natural environment started to recover during lockdown. Think of what impact having fusion energy would have.