Anyone know this vile creature ? Hate crime inquiry launched after man defecates in garden - SYP (
BBC News - Azeem Rafiq: Hate crime inquiry after man defecates in cricketer's garden
I hope the turd was scooped up as evidence. I suggest the offender should be made to eat it all in a sandwich.
I remember years ago when the window clear shat in our shed,i cut round the small piece of carpet and put it in a carrier bag. Took it to his house and his Mam answered the door, i said dose the window cleaner live here she said yes with a smile i said he's forgot this in our shed,she opened the carrier and and said urgghh. I said that's just what i thought and left it with her.
Don't think I've ever had a politically or ideologically motivated defecation. Reckon I'd struggle. I don't seem to have any choice at all in when it's happening, I get a maximum 2 minute warning and I either find a suitable receptacle or suffer the consequences.