Sad news. I was 8 when Brazil won the 1970 World Cup, so didn't fully appreciate Pele's quality. I can remember my Dad's reaction though, he was completely flabbergasted. A true legend. RIP Pele.
In front of me I have the programme from 23rd February 1972 when Santos played an exhibition match against Wednesday. It was during a period of power cuts due to the miners' strike that year, so the match was played on a Wednesday afternoon. We were allowed out of school to watch a historic match. Santos won 2-0, although the great man himself didn't get on the score sheet. There must have been a great deal of pressure on Pele to perform every time as Santos toured the world cashing in on his (and Brazil's) success and popularity. My most vivid memory of seeing him play was when he rose incredibly high (I'll resist 'salmon-like') to meet a header which conjured memories of the one from which he enticed that worldie save from Gordon Banks in 1970. Probably not his greatest outing, but it was still something very special to see such a special player in the flesh. The measure of esteem in which I hold that memory is witnessed by the fact that I keep this programme in a protective plastic folder along with the one from the epic Bradford City match on 26th April 1997!
The death of a legend of Football, who did wonders to raise awareness for men who struggled to get it up.
Not lucky enough to have seen him play, but RIP to the finest footballer that's ever played the game. Made it as much about entertainment and style, the greater good of the game just as important. I wonder what he made of the modern game? And on a lighter note, my favourite piece of footage of Pele, that also showed he wasn't flawless, was the passage of play between Brazil and Uruguay at the 1970 World Cup, where he dummies the goalkeeper by running past his right side while the ball rolls past him on the left. "Oh, what genius" says the commentator, followed by "And he's missed it!". As has been said many many times over the years watching Barnsley.
He didn't struggle to get it up by the sound of things - a football teams worth of illegitimate children by some accounts. And a 17 year old girlfriend when he was in his 40's...........that's not right
I saw a tribute to him and didn't realise how humble his life was before he became a star. He said "If I had to do everything again since I was born.... I would do everything again, and I thank God!" . Just watching a few clips of him, you can't guess what he's going to do next, unplayable. Even in training, the flicks etc are so magical, yet he does them so naturally, it must have been a wonder to see.
Why not? Are you gonna throw that one at George Best too. A bit ageist. Relationships & liaisons, if mutually agreeable are fine irrespective of age, gender, race. or whatever. I do find this a bit disturbing though... Then again it is just made up.