Have a look at Piers Morgan uncensored on TalkTv if u fancy feeling dirty. This bloke is a whack job, as far as I can tell hes just an "internet personality", what is that? Morgan actually looks like the paragon of reasonableness next to this bloke. Kanye on another level. Bonkers.
He's a liar because he says he hasn't suffered any racism so she can't have. I've SEEN racist comments directed at him and I know he's seen them too because he has reacted to them.
Andrew tate needs banning on every platform. The amount of young lads that follow his misogynistic nonsense about how he treats women is depressing and will lead to a lot of issues in the next few years. How a man that proudly announced he moved country because “rape laws are less strict” referring to marital rape got a platform is beyond me.
Having just watched 30mins of the loon, banning him would probably be as dangerous as not. Anyone who can listen to those views and then go " Aye, that all sounds sensible enough" will only go and follow the next sociopath off the internet, if u ban him. Education is probably more of a solution. Currently watching Philomena Cunk.........far more sensible.
He is banned on every platform*, they all did it at once. It's other people sharing his content, and obviously people like Morgan getting him on for them sweet sweet clicks he so desires. *=major platforms, twitter, fb, youtube etc.
I like to see the best in people and not get too worked up about what people have an opinion on just because it's different to my own. That said this guy shouldn't be getting time to give his views on any network.
The full show is up now. I think him sticking up for the Taliban is the most mental thing he came out with.
This nut-job has now been arrested in Romania. BBC News - Andrew Tate detained in Romania over rape and human trafficking case https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64122628
Saw the game. Tate is a nob but his chess was very competent. Not surprising considering his father was an exceptional player. Morgan played like he'd only just learnt how the pieces move.
His shares have gone down since the news. https://www.etoro.com/markets/tate....8pFzwMjhgkftHCDW_RGj-sJfnPpxFHqoaAugrEALw_wcB
I have to read up about these characters when they’re in the news, they otherwise don’t enter my orbit. They’re going to love this one in prison. Plenty of ‘content’ there.. https://www.theguardian.com/technol...violent-misogynistic-world-of-tiktok-new-star