all the best mate! Btw did they find any raw material to examine all these tears as a Barnsley fan must have had an effect!
Best wishes from all of us, Kev. Understand if certain things you don't want to broadcast or discuss. But nothing will be any trouble if you need anything. PM if required, and no questions will be asked mate.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your kind, thoughtful and generous comments? They're certainly extremely humbling and heart warming. The BBS at it's very best.
All the best Kev, hope your health improves mate. BDGH isn't a bad place, certainly not flawless but I don't think anywhere is. I've been back working there for 16 months and in the 27 years since I qualified, have never seen things as chaotically busy, it's relentless 7 days per week. Glad you were well looked after. If you need anything, message me.
I was going to make a joke about your long term memory of all things Barnsley and make a quip about Alzheimer's but I didn't think it tasteful mate. I wish you well and hope you make a speedy recovery .
It is. And I like to think it always will be. Personally (and Im not sure if I speak for all, but hopefully it resonates with many) I kind of put you in the bracket of the house of commons as the "father of the house". Political differences aside, in that position, it commands and gets gets respect of fellow MPs. So in this case, the "Father of the BBS". I won't forget, 16 years ago, when my first born was on his way. He took his time to arrive if you can recall. I wasn't for obvious reasons posting. But had received messages from your good wife Crystal and others, as he took (much like his demeanor of not ever rushing for anything) ages to appear. 3 day's in fact... It was an enormous pleasure when he grew up, and became a red, and we all ended up by total accident sat Infront of you as season ticket holders. To this day, I can't remember how I realised who you were. Maybe it was the green hull excavation jumper, I don't know.... But it was the best seats we ended up ever having. Hence, the chats we had and world to rights etc, why I think of you as the father of the BBS. May sound odd, but hopefully you get where it comes from lol. Just wanted to share that with the BBS for some reason. And as my previous post says, PM if anything is needed. And that does mean anything
'Father Of The House' is a term I quite like and thank you for those lovely comments, old mate. I don't know whether I deserve them, but I'll happily accept them.
Best wishes. You really do appreciate the great job the NHS do when you need them the most. Hope the news is good.
Highly unlikely they were there filming the scenes we witnessed over Boxing Day. God bless the Nurses and the Paramedics on the Ambulances…………if you were there you know
Hope you are ok soon. The staff there are wonderful, I've volunteered at the hospital since 1973 and they are a great team.