Washing his dirty linen in public for more dough i see. Retire quietly with a bit of dignity or do something worthwhile to pass on your royal retirement. Not winning many friends this side of the pond.
He is getting it both barrells stateside too. Lately all their celebrities friends have gone quiet when before they would talk out in support of them. I think most people are bored of the same tired woe me stories from them being churned out for cash, but their royal titles they are still happy to use are all they have.
Not a big fan of the Meghan bashing and haven't picked a side. What I will say though is if he is telling the truth there is better ways of going about it without trying to make money from it. The minute you do that, you lose credibility and people turn.
Just wait until she's had enough of him and packs him in. Then he wil be begging for a return to the Royal Family.
Think credibility went out the window a while since. A desire for privacy and to step out of the public glare is hardly believable when you do it through Netflix and publishing deals.... Sad thing is he probably has a good story and genuine grievance after the way his Mum was treated and let down by the "Firm"
It's a bad decision by him to put a number on the amount of people he killed in the army. He was born with a target on his back and that will now have grown, especially with extremists. He's managed to get Daily Mail and The Guardian over here and CNN and Fox News stateside all to agree.
Personally I couldn't give a toss about the royals, they an anachronism and they should be simply an historic curiosity. Harry and Megan only have their platform because the royal family assume an importance way beyond their merit. Anyone who expresses strong opinions about them are simply adding fuel to the fire. So if you are fed up with them, stop posting about them, either here or anywhere else and they will eventually go away. They only make so much cash out of it all because some people simply can't get enough of them. I'm not having a go at anybody, just saying ignore the attention seeker and eventually they stop seeking attention.
The press, and the Mail in particular, are guilty of keeping the Sussexes at the forefront of news. One day last month the DM online had on its main page 20 articles blackguarding H&M whilst there was no mention on tv news. Bearing in mind the Daily Mail has lost two civil actions for their fallacious journalism against them is it any wonder why they exacerbate the issue for their own financial gain. At the end of the day this is a family squabble that happens every day, everywhere. It would be of no interest if it were you or I and it only gets airing for commercial reasons.
No time for any of them, obscenely rich and important just because they fell out of the right fanny, get rid of the lot of ‘em.
Cage fight at Wembley William v Harry , they’d make millions , Megan v Kate on undercard .I think it’s too close to call between Wills and Harry but I think Megan would hammer Kate
I sense another tunnel accident may be about to occur or maybe something that could be blamed on the Taliban in revenge for the supposed 25 "kills" Harold Hewitt foolishly bragged about. If I was H and M I'd be very careful when out and about and make sure all the doors and windows are locked when at home, America can be a very dangerous place to live what with all those Guns about.
I just don’t get why you’d “brag” about killing people like that. Does he really know how many people he killed from the seat of a helicopter? And even if he did I can’t imagine why he’d be talking about it? I would guess it’s not the done thing anyway.
Surprised tough army boy Harry was put on his backside by William. I didn't see that news story coming.
Didn't they kick off about how "horrified" they were when they had their publicly funded security removed when they supposedly tapped out of being Royals. He made a big deal about how anyone could now get to him and his family had been put in danger. Then he goes and brags about killing 25 taliban, that makes sense, very clever. He's just a not very bright entitled posh boy, with little sense of the real world. Look at me.